Data Export

The Data Export options can be used to copy data from the SSMS results grid in the CSV file format. The data export options include:

  • Use Unicode: Creates a .csv file with a Unicode character encoding. The option is selected by default.
  • Show a table header: Specifies whether to write column headers. The option is selected by default.
  • Quote string: Encloses a string in quotes. It is recommended to use either single quotes or double quotes. The double quote mark is set as default.
  • Force quote: Indicates whether quoting should be optional (if cleared) or added at all times (if selected).
  • Field separator: Defines a field separator. You can choose from the available options: comma, semicolon, Tab, or Space. The comma is set as default.

To access the data export options, select Data Export > CSV in the Options dialog.

Data Export

For example, on the Results grid, right-click any cell and select Select All. Then, right-click the selected cells, select Copy Data As > CSV > To File, and then save the .csv file.

Data Export

In the output, you’ll get the following result:

Data Export

To restore the default settings, select Reset Page Defaults.

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