Report Designer toolbar

The Report Designer toolbar allows you to perform the following actions:

Report Designer toolbar

Icon Title Description
Open Data Report Wizard Design in Report Wizard Opens the Data Report Wizard to create a report.
Font menu Font settings Changes the font and its size.
Change the font style Font styles Makes the text bold, italic, or underline.
Foreground/Background Color on the Report Designer toolbar/Background Color icon on the Report Designer toolbar Foreground Color/Background Color Changes the foreground or background colors.
Change text alignment Change text alignment Aligns (left, center, right, or justify) the text in the report.
Zoom options menu Zoom options Zooms in or out the Report Designer surface.
Toolbox Toolbox Opens the Toolbox window to add or edit controls.
Data Source icon on the Report Designer toolbar Data Source Window Opens the Data Source window to view and manipulate the structure of the data source bound to the report.
Group and Sort icon on the Report Designer toolbar Group and Sort Open the Group and Sort window to apply data grouping or sorting in the report.
View errors in scripts icon on the Report Designer toolbar View errors in scripts Opens the Scripts Errors window to view errors in a script.

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