This topic gives a detailed description of command line switches and examples of their usage.
To get more information on switches related to data reports in the command line interface, you can type:
C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for SQL Server> /datareport /?
The path to the executable file will differ depending on how you have installed the Studio - as a standalone tool or as part of the dbForge Edge bundle. Make sure that you have specified a correct path. If you have installed the Studio as part of dbForge Edge, change the path accordingly:
C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Edge\dbForge Studio for SQL Server>
Below all switches of this option are described, together with usage examples.
Argument | Action and Usage |
/connection | This switch is used to specify a connection string with additional parameters. Command usage is as follows:/connection:<connection_string> Example of using the /connection argument: C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for SQL Server> /datareport /connection:"User Id=yourusername;Server=ORCL" |
/format | This switch is used to specify report format. Note that the HTML report won’t be sent by FTP or email if result contains several files or folders. Command usage is as follows:/format:<PDF|HTML|MHT|RTF|TEXT|CSV|EXCEL|EXCEL2007|BMP|EMF|GIF|JPEG|PNG|TIFF|WMF> Example of using the /format argument: C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for SQL Server> /datareport /format:"PDF" |
/parameters | The switch is used to specify values for parameters declared in a query script. Command usage is as follows:<param_name1>:<param_value1> <param_name2>:<param_value2> Example of using the /parameters argument: C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for SQL Server> /datareport /parameters param1:value1 param2:value2 |
/password | Use this switch if you want to specify a server password. This argument overrides the password specified in the connection string. Command usage is as follows:>/password:<yourpassword> Example of using the /password argument: C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for SQL Server> /datareport /password:"yourpassword" |
/reportfile | Use this switch to specify the input report file. Command usage is as follows:/reportfile:<file name> The following example shows how to specify the input report file: C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for SQL Server> /datareport /reportfile:"sample_report.rdb" |
/result | Use this switch to specify what should be done with the result: save the report to disk, or send it by email or FTP. You can specify SMTP settings on the corresponding options page. Command usage is as follows: /result folder:<file path> | email:<email address> | ftplogin:<login> ftppassword:<yourpassword> Usage examples: 1. Report is saved to the specified folder on disk in the CSV format: /datareport /reportfile:"D:\workDir\dept.rdb" /format:CSV /result folder:"D:/output/" 2. Report is sent by email: /datareport /reportfile:"D:\workDir\dept.rdb" /format:CSV /result email:"[email protected]" 3. Report is sent by FTP: /datareport /reportfile:"D:\workDir\dept.rdb" /format:CSV /result folder:"" ftplogin:user_name ftppassword:yourpassword 4. Report is sent by email and FTP: /datareport /reportfile:"D:\workDir\dept.rdb" /format |
/resultfilename | The switch is used to specify a report name. Command usage is as follows:/resultfilename:<document name> Example of using the /resultfilename argument: C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for SQL Server> /datareport /reportfile:"sample_report.rdb" /resultfilename:report1 |