dbForge Studio can automatically generate aliases for all table objects, such as a table, a view, a table-valued function, and a synonym, referenced in the FROM list of the SQL document. You can generate custom aliases from the Options dialog.
The guide walks through the following topics:
To open the Options dialog:
1. On the ribbon, select Tools > Options.
2. In the Options dialog that opens, go to Text Editor > Code Completion > Alias.
When the Generate alias on commit checkbox is selected, the Studio operates as follows:
Adds aliases to tables, views, table-valued functions, and synonyms: As the user selects a database object from the suggestion list, dbForge Studio automatically assigns an alias to it.
Adds table alias to column names: When the user selects all columns using the asterisk (*) wildcard or individually selects specific columns from the suggestion list, dbForge Studio adds a table alias to each column name.
The following rules are used when creating aliases:
If possible, dbForge Studio generates aliases using the first letter of a table object name.
For names with underscores:
for TBL_Address alias ta is assigned
For names with hyphens:
for Tbl-address alias ta is assigned
For names with CamelCase:
for TblAddress alias ta is assigned
For names with numbers:
for 111 alias a is assigned
If a generated alias name matches a keyword, the alias name is wrapped in square brackets. For example, if the table object name is GeneralObjects, the alias name will be [go].
If a newly generated alias coincides with an existing one, dbForge Studio adds symbols 1, 2, … n to the generated alias to avoid ambiguity.
Users can manually define conditions that determine when an alias should be inserted while writing a query using the Completion List in a SQL document.
To add a custom alias:
1. On the Tools menu, select Options.
2. In the Options dialog that opens, navigate to Text Editor > Code Completion > Alias.
3. In the Condition column of the Alias page, specify the database object name (you may use a mask) to which you want to assign an alias.
4. In the Action column, specify the custom alias you prefer.
5. Select OK to save the changes.
When a custom alias is created, dbForge Studio assigns the alias name to an object referenced in a SQL statement according to a specified alias mask.
Custom aliases have precedence over automatically created ones.
To rename an alias:
1. Right-click the required alias and select Rename, or select the alias and press F2 - the alias will be highlighted.
2. Type a new name for the alias in the SQL editor window.
As you type, a ToolTip appears, instructing you to Press F2 to preview changes or Enter/Tab to apply.
3. Press F2 to open the Preview Changes - Rename dialog and preview code changes.
4. To apply changes, press Apply. Alternatively, press Enter/Tab to apply changes in the code.
dbForge Studio offers several alias masks for managing custom alias mapping. When assigning aliases, you can use the alias masks to specify conditions and actions. For example, you can assign different aliases to objects with the same name.
The following list demonstrates examples of the condition masks:
- exact match.<*product>
- matches object names ending with “product”.<product*>
- matches object names starting with “product”.<*product*>
- matches object names, including “product”.<*>
- matches any valid object name.<schema>.<product>
- specifies an exact match for the object name “product” with “schema” as its prefix.<schema*>.<product*>
- matches object names where the prefix starts with “schema” and the object name starts with “product.”<database>.<schema>.<product>
- matches the object name “product” with a database and schema in the prefix.The following list demonstrates examples of the action masks:
- adds the prefix “Id” to a generated alias.<1>.<2>
- generates an alias with a prefix.<[Dept]1>
- excludes “Dept” from a generated alias.No Alias: When No Alias is specified in the Action column for a specific condition, no alias will be generated for that condition.
In the Condition column, you can define the criteria under which an alias will be inserted based on the rule specified in the Action column. This occurs when an identifier, such as a table, view, table-valued function, or synonym, is inserted into a SQL document from the Completion List.
The criteria from the Condition column must be fully met for the inserted identifier to generate a value specified in the Action column. According to the syntax, each identifier must be enclosed in angle brackets < >
The condition is case-insensitive, meaning it can be written in either lowercase or uppercase. The rule is applied based on the identifier name, regardless of its case.
Consider several examples to understand how to create custom aliases in the Options dialog.
Generate a custom NewAlias alias for the Employee table, regardless of servers, schemas, or databases to which it belongs. The syntax must be as follows:
When writing a query in a SQL document and inserting Employee from the Completion List, the tool automatically generates NewAlias and adds it to each inserted Employee identifier. This means that the condition will be applied to every Employee identifier, no matter what database and schema it belongs to. For example:
SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Employee NewAlias
SELECT * FROM Person.Employee NewAlias
SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee NewAlias
Generate a custom NewAlias alias for the Employee table that belongs to the HumanResources schema. The syntax must be as follows:
In this case, the condition will be applied only to the Employee identifier from the HumanResources schema. The generation of the NewAlias alias for different schemas will be as follows:
SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Employee NewAlias
SELECT * FROM Person.Employee e
SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee e
The Condition column can include as many prefixes as the script uses. However, the maximum number of prefixes allowed is three. For example:
<server name or linked server name>.<database name>.<schema name>.<object name>
uses three prefixes for a table.<database name>.<schema name>.<object name>
uses two prefixes for a table.<schema name>.<object name>
uses one prefix for a table.This means that if the prefixes are specified, an alias will be generated only if these prefixes exist in the statement in a SQL document.
For example, if the Condition column has the following criteria as shown in the screenshot:
In this case, the NewAlias alias is generated for the Address table only when the expression includes all prefixes specified in the Condition column, such as the linked server name, database name, and schema name:
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.AdventureWorks2022.Person.Address NewAlias
However, if the expression does not include the LinkToSQLServer2022 prefix, the NewAlias alias will not be generated:
SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks2022.Person.Address a
In the Condition column, you can use a wildcard (*) to represent any characters before or after identifiers. The wildcard can be used anywhere within angle brackets < >
If we specify the following condition as shown in the screenshot:
In this case, the NewAlias alias is generated for all servers and databases, which contain the Address identifier in the Person schema. For example:
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.AdventureWorks2022.Person.Address NewAlias
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.AdventureWorks2019.Person.Address NewAlias
If the identifier includes an asterisk in its name as shown in the screenshot:
In this case, the NewAlias alias is generated for all identifiers whose name starts with Business and belongs to the Person schema. For example:
SELECT * FROM Person.BusinessEntity NewAlias
SELECT * FROM Person.BusinessEntityAddress NewAlias
SELECT * FROM Person.BusinessEntityContact NewAlias
The asterisk (*) can be used in any part of the identifier within
< >
In the Action column, you can do the following:
[ ]
.The simple case can be as follows:
In this case, the NewAlias alias is generated for the ContactType table from the Person schema.
SELECT * FROM Person.ContactType NewAlias
If the Condition column contains only one element, for example, an object identifier, the Action column will have the <1>
value by default. This means that if you specify <1>
in the Action column for this condition, an alias will be generated according to the standard alias generation algorithm.
In this case, the result will be as follows:
SELECT * FROM Person.ContactType ct
Adding characters before or after <1>
will automatically add those characters to the generated alias. For example, add NewAlias after <1>
In this case, the alias will be generated:
SELECT * FROM Person.ContactType ctNewAlias
Writing NewAlias before <1>
will generate the alias as follows:
In this case, the alias will be generated:
SELECT * FROM Person.ContactType NewAliasct
If the Condition column contains one condition where the prefixes include the server, database, schema, and table, it looks as follows:
The conditional numbering of each element occurs from left to right. This means that the Action column will take these elements as <1>, <2>, <3>, and <4>, respectively.
To specify an action for an identifier in the Condition column, it is important to know its conditional number in the Condition column.
For example, if an alias should be generated based on the database name, i.e. AdventureWorks2022, specify <2>
, which is a conditional number of the database, in the Action column:
In this case, the following alias will be generated:
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.AdventureWorks2022.Person.Address aw
The aw alias was generated for AdventureWorks2022 using the standard alias generation algorithm, i.e. CamelCase for the identifier.
If it is necessary to generate an alias based on the schema name and table, i.e. Person and Address, specify <3>
and <4>
in the Action column:
In this case, the pa alias will be generated based on the capitalization of the Person and Address identifiers.
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.AdventureWorks2022.Person.Address pa
So, if <*>.<*>.<*>.<*>
is specified in the Condition column, while <1><2><3><4>
will be set in the Action column, the aliases will be generated according to the common algorithm for all elements, for example:
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.AdventureWorks2022.Person.BusinessEntityAddress ltsawpbea
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.AdventureWorks2022.Sales.Customer ltsawsc
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.DWQueue.dbo.MessageQueue ltsddmq
To exclude a specific part of the identifier from any element defined in the Condition column, specify the part to be excluded in the Action column within angle brackets < >
According to the syntax rules, the excluded part must be enclosed in square brackets [ ]
For example, exclude Add from the fourth identifier in this expression:
The fourth identifier is Address. So, the following must be written in the Action column:
Thus, the next character after Add in the fourth identifier will be r. The alias will be generated as follows:
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.AdventureWorks2022.Person.Address r
Following the same rule, conditions can be added for other identifiers. For example, add the alias generation based on the second identifier, i.e. a database name, to the existing action <[Add]4>
while excluding Adv.
The Action column must contain the following:
The next character after Adv is e. However, according to alias generation rules, if an uppercase letter appears in the subsequent characters of the identifier, the alias will be generated based on that uppercase letter rather than the next character after the exclusion.
Thus, if the identifier is Adventureworks2022, the alias will be generated as follows based on the specified action:
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.Adventureworks2022.Person.Address er
However, since the identifier is AdventureWorks2022 (where an uppercase letter W appears immediately after the excluded part), the alias generated based on the specified action will be wr.
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.AdventureWorks2022.Person.Address wr
So, in this case, the following alias will be generated for the <[Adv]2><[Add]4>
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.AdventureWorks2022.Person.Address wr
For example, add a static set of characters, NewAlias, to the end of the action.
In this case, the alias will be the following:
SELECT * FROM LinkToSQLServer2022.AdventureWorks2022.Person.Address wrNewAlias
User-defined (custom) masks have precedence over automated alias mapping.
Alias masks specified in the grid have top-down priority. The condition with the highest priority appears at the top of the list in the Condition column.
When multiple conditions are met, the condition located higher in the list takes priority. When multiple conditions are met, the condition located higher in the list takes priority.
For example, there are two conditions:
The SELECT statement is as follows:
SELECT * FROM Person.BusinessEntity
Both conditions can be applied to insert an identifier whose name starts with Business. However, since the <Person>.<Business*>
condition appears higher in the list, the Alias1 alias will be generated:
SELECT * FROM Person.BusinessEntity Alias1
Now, we change the order of conditions in the list as follows:
In this case, when <Person>.<Business*>
is placed below the <Business*>
condition that can also be applied to the expression, the Alias2 alias will be generated since it is higher in the list:
SELECT * FROM Person.BusinessEntity Alias2
The following table demonstrates an example of custom alias mapping. The <*Person*>
mask condition has a higher priority than <Product*>
Condition | Action |
<*Person*> |
<alias1> |
<Product*> |
<alias2> |
<Sales>.<Product*> |
<alias3> |
Find out what SQL aliases are and how to use them to enhance the efficiency of SQL scripts.