How to add tables to a query in dbForge Studio for SQL Server

When you create a query, you are retrieving data from a table or other objects structured like tables - views and certain user-defined functions. To work with any of these objects in your query, you add them to the diagram pane.

To add a table or table-valued object to a query:

  1. On the Start page, select SQL Development, and then click Query Builder.
  2. In Database Explorer, select a required table or several tables (or table-valued objects) and drag-and-drop them to the diagram pane.

Alternatively you can

  1. In Database Explorer, select a required table. You can select multiple tables by holding the CTRL key.
  2. Right-click selected tables, and point to Send to in the shortcut menu, and then click Query Builder.

Tables and views are automatically added to the query when you reference them in the statement in the SQL editor.


A connection you are using while dragging a table must be the connection of the query document. You will not be able to perform a drag and drop operation from another connection.

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