This topic provides a detailed worked example on how to create a pivot table and analyze data with its help. We will query the BicycleStore database and on the concrete example demonstrate you how to:
We will use the following SELECT query as an example. It returns total sales of bicycles grouped by categories, brands, vendors. Also, the result grid outputs their order status and dates.
CONCAT(Staff.FirstName, ' ', Staff.LastName) AS SalesPerson,
c.CategoryName, b.BrandName, p.ProductName, o.OrderStatus, o.OrderDate,
FORMAT(oi.Qty * oi.Price - oi.Qty * oi.Price * oi.Discount, '0.#0') AS TotalSale
FROM Sales.OrderItem oi
Sales.[Order] o
ON oi.OrderId = o.OrderId
Production.Product p
ON oi.ProductId = p.ProductId
Production.Brand b
ON p.BrandId = b.BrandId
Production.Category c
ON p.CategoryId = c.CategoryId
ON o.StaffId = Staff.StaffId
Before creating a pivot table, note that:
1. On the File main menu, select New > Pivot Table.
2. At the bottom of the Pivot Table view, click Open document view, select Text, and enter the SQL script from the prerequisites.
3. On the Pivot Table view, refresh the data to view the data source, which will be used to bind table data to the columns and rows of the pivot table.
Any field with the date or time data format is decomposed in the Data Source view to its components. For more information about the fields in a pivot table, follow Types of fields in a pivot table.
4. To add fields to the pivot table, drag them from the Data Source pane to a required pivot table area:
5. In the Data Source pane, right-click the OrderDate node and select Group by > Quarter to group total sales by a quarter.
6. To group data by categories and brands, drag CategoryName and BrandName from the Data Source pane to Drop Row Fields.
7. As a result, the pivot table contains total sales data for all salespeople. In addition, total sales are grouped by quarters, categories, and brands and the following:
8. Now, let’s filter data by a specific salesperson. To do so, drag SalesPerson from the Data Source pane to Drop Filter Fields. Then, click Filter and select the checkbox next to the salesperson whose sales data you want to display.
Or we can also view how many bicycles were sold during the first six months. To do so, click Filter on the header of the OrderDate (Quarter) control and select the 1 and 2 checkboxes.
9. Next, we are going to display total sales that have values higher than 1000. To do so, click Filter on the header of the TotalSale control, enter 1000 in the Show values from field, and then click OK.
10. Now, let’s highlight total sales values that are less than 2000. This can be done with the help of the Conditional Styles functionality.
To apply conditional styles, do the following:
In addition, we want to highlight values where total sales are higher than 4000. In this case, open the Conditional Styles dialog and add another conditional style by following the abovementioned steps. However, choose the green color in the Back Color field instead of the Fore Color field.
Once done, see the result.
To learn more about conditional formatting in a pivot table, see How to apply conditional styles.
11. Now, build a chart for the pivot table to analyze the sales visually. On the Pivot Table toolbar, click Show Chart and do the following in the Chart pane that opens:
After we have created the pivot table, we can preview it: On the File menu, click Print. For more information, see Previewing a pivot table.
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