Data Compare has two patterns for the results output:
The paginal mode splits data into pages. It is used to display data with a large number of records. It simplifies the overview of data and reduces database load, which in turn leads to better performance.
To enable the paginal mode, click Paginal Mode on the Data Editor toolbar.
The paginal mode can also be activated by clicking the corresponding button on a message received when retrieving data from a table with a large number of records.
On the Paginal Mode toolbar, you can perform the following actions:
Configure the number of records per page. To do that, type or select the value from the Page Row Count list.
Navigate through pages. To do that, use the corresponding options on the document toolbar.
By default, the paginal mode is turned on for data views with 1000 records on a page, so only 1000 records are displayed at once. You may change default settings in the Options dialog. To do that, click Tools and select Options. In the dialog that opens, select Data Editor > General.
When retrieving data from a table with a large number of records you receive a notification saying whether the paginal mode is on or off.
If not all records are displayed on one page when the paginal mode is on, the warning icon appears on the status bar. If you move the mouse pointer onto the icon, a notification informing you that the data is split into pages will be shown.
If you tunr off the paginal mode, the Infinite scrolling pattern will be activated, which loads data continuously as the user scrolls down the page and allows retrieving all data at once by pressing Ctrl+End. If you do so, you may get the following message:
You can choose to continue retrieving data, cancel retrieving data, or turn on the paginal mode. Since all data is gradually fetched to the random access memory, clicking Continue may lead to the Out of Memory error.