Review the deployment script

Last modified: September 6, 2024

In this topic, you will learn how to obtain the database deployment script, and we will also provide guidance on getting the deployment script for an individual database object or entity.

Get the deployment script

After you have completed the comparison process and obtained the comparison results, Data Compare can automatically generate the deployment script.

1. Click Synchronize Synchronize button

2. The Data Synchronization Wizard gets opened. To review the script, choose one of the following options.

Output options

Open the synchronization script in the internal editor

The option allows you to open the script in the editor of dbForge Data Compare. For example:

Script in the editor

Save the script to a file

This option allows you to save the script to a file on your PC. To specify the file name and directory, click Three dots button


Under Save the script to a file, you have two additional options:

  • Open script in the internal editor: This allows you to open the script within the dbForge Data Compare editor.

  • Append timestamp to the file name: With this option enabled, the date and time will be added to the file name.

Also, you can open the saved file with dbForge Data Compare and review the deployment script. For this you need to select Open script in the internal editor.

3. After you have chosen the required option, click Synchronize.

View the deployment script for a single object

1. To review the deployment script for one object, select the desired object. For example:

Desired object

2. Click Synchronize, select your preferred output option for the deployment script, and click Synchronize again.

You’ll see the script with the object you have chosen.

Script for one object