CUSIP Number Generator

A CUSIP is a alphanumeric code that identifies securities, specifically U.S. and Canadian registered stocks, and U.S. government and municipal bonds. The CUSIP stands for US Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures Code (CUSIP).

The CUSIP number consists of nine characters. The first six characters identify the issuer and are assigned in an alphabetical fashion. The seventh and eighth character identify the type of issue, and the last digit is used as a check digit.

The CUSIP Number Generator generates nine-character alphanumeric codes consisting of three groups of characters separated by hyphens.

The dialog box of the CA Social Insurance Number Generator contains some of the Basic Settings. You can customize the generator by changing the basic settings.

Custom settings


Specify a separator to be included between the groups of digits. By default, digits are separated by hyphens.

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