How dbForge Studio for Oracle is involved in the DevOps process

The guide provides a step-by-step procedure on how to automate the database development. The following workflow illustrates how dbForge Studio for Oracle is involved in the DevOps process:


Before starting, prepare the following template files using dbForge Studio for Oracle. These files will be used to perform a specific operation when running the corresponding command-line scripts:

  • .sql file that contains the command-line script to create a user in an Oracle database. Ensure to replace the USERNAME and PASSWORD with the actual data:
  • .sql file that contains the command-line script to create tables in the database. Ensure to replace a schema name, table names, and columns with the actual data:

    LOC VARCHAR2(13)
    JOB VARCHAR2(9),
    MGR NUMBER(4),
    SAL NUMBER(7,2),
    COMM NUMBER(7,2),
    JOB VARCHAR2(9),
    ) ;
  • .dgen template file to generate test data for tables. The file stores data generator settings that have been set up and saved using the Data Generator tool.
  • .dit template files to import data into the tables. Note that it is also required to prepare files, such as .csv, from which data will be imported using .dit template files. The template files store the configured settings for data import, saved using the Data Import functionality.
  • .scomp template file to synchronize the databases based on the synchronization settings stored in the file. The file can be generated using the Schema Compare tool.
  • .dcomp template file to populate the database with test and realistic data. It can be configured and saved using the Data Compare tool.
  • .ddoc template file to generate documentation in the required file format. The file stores the documentation settings, which can be configured using the Documenter tool.

The testing data is SCOTT_USER user, DBFORCL and dbforacle18 as test servers, and DEPT, EMP, BONUS, and SALGRADE tables. When executing scripts in the project, it is required to replace parameters, such as a server, a service name, a username, a password, and a path to the files, in the scripts with the actual data.

Step 1: Create a user

To create a user on the server, open the command prompt and execute the following command-line script:

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\" /execute Create_user.sql /connection:"User Id=[username]; Password=[password];Server=[server]; Connect Mode=SysDba; Unicode=True; Connection Timeout=0;Pooling=False; Direct=True; Service Name=[service_name]; Enlist=False; Transaction Scope Local=True"

Substitute the parameters with the actual values:

  • C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\ is the default installation folder of dbForge Studio for Oracle. If the tool is installed in a different folder, specify its path.
  • D:/DevOps_Oracle/Create_user.sql is the path to the template file to create a user in the Oracle database.
  • [username] is the username to connect to the database.
  • [password] is the password for the specified username.
  • [server] is the server name or IP address of the Oracle database server on which a user will be created.
  • [service_name] is the service name of the Oracle server to connect.

In the example, the script creates a SCOTT_USER user on the DBFORCL server.

Create a SCOTT user


The user must have privileges on tablespace ‘USERS’; otherwise, the following error may occur: no privileges on tablespace ‘USERS’, and some operations will fail.

To grant privileges, run the command-line script:


Step 2: Сreate tables

The next step is to create empty tables. To do this, execute the following command-line script as a SCOTT user:

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\" /execute Create_tables.sql /connection:"User Id=[username];Password=[password];Server=[server];Unicode=True;Connection Timeout=0;Pooling=False;Direct=True;Service Name=[service_name];Enlist=False;Transaction Scope Local=True"

Substitute the parameters with the actual values:

  • C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\ is the default installation folder of dbForge Studio for Oracle. If the tool is installed in a different folder, specify its path.
  • Create_tables.sql is the path to the template file containing the CREATE TABLE statements to create tables on the server.
  • [username] is the username to connect to the database.
  • [password] is the password for the specified username.
  • [server] is the server name or IP address of the Oracle database server on which tables will be created.
  • [service_name] is the service name of the Oracle server to connect.

In the example, the script creates tables, such as DEPT, EMP, BONUS, and SALGRADE, in the SCOTT_USER schema on the DBFORCL server.

Create tables in the SCOTT_USER schema

Step 3: Populate tables with data

After creating the tables, fill them with random and test data using the following tools available in dbForge Studio for Oracle:

Generate data using the Data Generator functionality

To generate data for the tables, execute the following command-line script:

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\" /generatedata /projectfile:"Data_Generation_template.dgen" /connection:"User Id=[username]; Password=[password]; Server=[server]; Unicode=True; Connection Timeout=0; Pooling=False; Direct=True; Service Name=[service_name]; Enlist=False; Transaction Scope Local=True"

Substitute the parameters with the actual values:

  • C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\ is the default installation folder of dbForge Studio for Oracle. If the tool is installed in a different folder, specify its path.
  • Data_Generation_template.dgen is the path to the previously configured data generator template file to populate the created tables with random test data.
  • [username] is the username to connect to the database.
  • [password] is the password for the specified username.
  • [server] is the server name or IP address of the Oracle database server on which tables will be created.
  • [service_name] is the service name of the Oracle server to connect.

In the example, the script populates the DEPT, EMP, BONUS, and SALGRADE tables with data in the SCOTT_USER schema on the DBFORCL server.

Generate data for tables in the SCOTT schema

Generate data using the Data Import/Export functionality

Another way to insert data into the tables is to import it from existing tables. To do this, run the following command-line scripts, each of which will populate the corresponding table:

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\" /dataimport /connection:"User Id=[username];Password=[password];Server=[server];Unicode=True;Connection Timeout=0;Pooling=False;Direct=True;Service Name=[service_name];Enlist=False;Transaction Scope Local=True" /templatefile:table1_template.dit

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\" /dataimport /connection:"User Id=[username];Password=[password];Server=[server];Unicode=True;Connection Timeout=0;Pooling=False;Direct=True;Service Name=[service_name];Enlist=False;Transaction Scope Local=True" /templatefile:table2_template.dit

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\" /dataimport /connection:"User Id=[username];Password=[password];Server=[server];Unicode=True;Connection Timeout=0;Pooling=False;Direct=True;Service Name=[service_name];Enlist=False;Transaction Scope Local=True" /templatefile:table3_template.dit

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\" /dataimport /connection:"User Id=[username];Password=[password];Server=[server];Unicode=True;Connection Timeout=0;Pooling=False;Direct=True;Service Name=[service_name];Enlist=False;Transaction Scope Local=True" /templatefile:table4_template.dit

Substitute the parameters with the actual values:

  • C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\ is the default installation folder of dbForge Studio for Oracle. If the tool is installed in a different folder, specify its path.
  • table1_template.dit, table2_template.dit, table3_template.dit, and table4_template.dit are template files to insert data into tables.
  • [username] is the username to connect to the database.
  • [password] is the password for the specified username.
  • [server] is the server name or IP address of the Oracle database server on which the tables to be populated are located.
  • [service_name] is the service name of the Oracle server to connect.

Step 4: Synchronize schemas on different servers

To copy the database objects of the SCOTT_USER schema located on the source DBFORCL server and transfer them to the empty SCOTT_USER schema on the target dbforacle18 server, execute the following command:

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\" /schemacompare /compfile:"sync_settings_template.scomp" /source connection:"User Id=[source_username];Password=[source_passowrd];Server=[source_server];Unicode=True;Connection Timeout=0;Pooling=False;Direct=True;Service Name=[source_service_name];Enlist=False;Transaction Scope Local=True" /target connection:"User Id=[target_username];Password=[target_password];Server=[target_server];Unicode=True;Pooling=False;Direct=True;Service Name=[target_service_name];Enlist=False;Transaction Scope Local=True" /schemas:source_schema,target_schema /sync

Substitute the parameters with the actual values:

  • C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\ is the default installation folder of dbForge Studio for Oracle. If the tool is installed in a different folder, specify its path.
  • sync_settings_template.scomp is the template file that stores settings for the schema synchronization.
  • [source_username] is the username to connect to the source database.
  • [source_password] is the password for the specified username.
  • [source_server] is the source server name or IP address of the Oracle database server on which the source schema to be synchronized is located.
  • [source_service_name] is the service name of the source Oracle server to connect.
  • [target_username] is the username to connect to the target database.
  • [target_password] is the password for the specified username.
  • [target_server] is the target server name or IP address of the Oracle database server on which the target schema to be synchronized is located.
  • [target_service_name] is the service name of the target Oracle server to connect.
  • [source_schema] is the name of the source schema to be synchronized.
  • [target_schema] is the name of the target schema to be synchronized.

In the example, the script synchronizes the source and target SCOTT_USER schemas located on the source DBFORCL and target dbforacle18 servers. It adds tables, views, procedures, functions, and triggers according to the settings stored in the SCOTT_USER_Schema_Compare_template.scomp template file.

Synchronize schemas on different servers

Step 5: Populate the database with test data

After restoring the structure of the SCOTT_USER schema on the dbforacle18 server, fill test and random data in the database using the Data Compare tool. It allows migrating test data from one database or scripts folder to another.

To insert data into the database objects, execute the following command-line script:

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\" /datacompare /compfile:"Data_Compare_template.dcomp" /source connection:"User Id=[source_username];Password=[source_password];Server=[source_server];Unicode=True;Connection Timeout=0;Pooling=False;Direct=True;Service Name=[source_service_name];Enlist=False;Transaction Scope Local=True" /target connection:"User Id=[target_username];Password=[target_password];Server=[target_server];Unicode=True;Pooling=False;Direct=True;Service Name=[target_service_name];Enlist=False;Transaction Scope Local=True" /schemas:source_schema,target_schema /sync

Substitute the parameters with the actual values:

  • C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\ is the default installation folder of dbForge Studio for Oracle. If the tool is installed in a different folder, specify its path.
  • Data_Compare_template.dcomp is the template file to populate the database with test and realistic data.
  • [source_username] is the username to connect to the source database.
  • [source_password] is the password for the specified username.
  • [source_server] is the source server name or IP address of the Oracle database server on which the source schema to be synchronized is located.
  • [source_service_name] is the service name of the source Oracle server to connect.
  • [target_username] is the username to connect to the target database.
  • [target_password] is the password for the specified username.
  • [target_server] is the target server name or IP address of the Oracle database server on which the target schema to be synchronized is located.
  • [target_service_name] is the service name of the target Oracle server to connect.
  • [source_schema] is the name of the source schema to be populated with data.
  • [target_schema] is the name of the target schema to be populated with data.

In the example, the script synchronizes the source and target SCOTT_USER schemas located on the source DBFORCL and target dbforacle18 servers. It populates tables with data according to the settings stored in the SCOTT_USER_Data_Compare_template.scomp template file.

Populate the database with data

Step 6: Generate the documentation

The final step will be to generate PDF documentation of the SCOTT_USER schema located on the dbforacle18 server. The Studio can also create documentation in HTML or Markdown file formats.

To generate documentation in a PDF file format, execute the following command-line script:

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\" /document /projfile:"documentation_template.ddoc" /connection:"User Id=SCOTT;Password=[password];Server=dbforacle18;Unicode=True;Pooling=False;Direct=True;Service Name=oracle18;Enlist=False;Transaction Scope Local=True" /password /documentformat:Pdf /outputfile:"output_file.pdf" /breadcrumbs:Y

Substitute the parameters with the actual values:

  • C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\ is the default installation folder of dbForge Studio for Oracle. If the tool is installed in a different folder, specify its path.
  • documentation_template.ddoc is the template file configured previously with the Documenter tool built into dbForge Studio for Oracle.
  • [username] is the username to connect to the database.
  • [password] is the password for the specified username.
  • [server] is the server name or IP address of the Oracle database server on which the tables to be documented are located.
  • [service_name] is the service name of the Oracle server to connect.
  • output_file.pdf is the result PDF file that will store the generated documentation.

In the example, the script generates PDF documentation for the SCOTT_USER schema located on the dbforacle18 server according to the options configured in the documentation_template.ddoc template file.

Generate the documentation

To conclude, the guide explained how dbForge Studio is involved in the DevOps process through deployment scripts and template files. The tools available in the Studio help automate tasks such as schema creation, populating test data, comparing and synchronizing schema structures and data, and generating documentation in the .pdf file format.

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