Preview generated data

After you’ve configured the options for you data generator project and clicked Open in the Data Generator Properties wizard, your project’s .dgen document will open.

DGEN document

On the left pane, the .dgen document displays tables and columns of a database you selected for population. Click to select a table or a column.

The right pane contains generation settings. Here you can configure Table generation settings and Column generation settings.

Data Generator for SQL Server also allows previewing the data to be generated in the bottom grid. When you change the generation settings, the data in the Preview grid changes instantly.


You can preview first 50 rows of a range specified.


A new preview is generated every time you select a table from the tree or change any setting of the selected generator for the current table. In some cases, this operation might be time-consuming. To prevent the preview from getting refreshed as you enter every new change, hide the Preview window. For this, click an arrow as shown in the picture below. As a result, the preview doesn’t get refreshed as you enter every new change. Hide preview window

For user convenience, the selected column in the database tree is highlighted in the preview window.

If you want to change the Data Generator Properties, click the gear icon Gear icon above the right pane. The Data Generator Properties wizard will open.