Column generation settings

To configure column generation settings, on the left pane of a Data Generation project, select a column, you want to populate, and on the right pane you’ll see the generation settings for it.

Available configurations


Data Generator for SQL Server automatically assigns a generator to each column based on its table name, column name, data type, and length. Click an arrow next to the Generator combo box to select a generator from the list. dbForge Data Generator can boast 200 advanced generators divided into the following groups:

  • Basic
  • Business
  • Health
  • IT
  • Location
  • Payment
  • Personal
  • Product

To save a generator to a file, click the 3.5-inch disk icon.

Fill settings

In this group of options you can select to:

  • Set values to be unique
  • Include NULL values and specify the proportion of those in a generated dataset
  • Include empty values and specify the proportion of those in a generated dataset
  • Exclude values and specify the proportion of those in a generated dataset

Column settings


The settings available may vary depending on the table name, column name, data type, and length.

Foreign keys are automatically assigned with the Foreign Key generator.

Value distribution mode

Value distribution mode options define how the randomly generated data will be distributed. Options available in this group of settings vary depending on the column datatype, column name, etc.

Here are some examples of the Value distribution mode group of options layout.

Basic distribution mode options

These are the options, presents in the most of the cases. You can select to distribute values:

  • Randomly by timestamp
  • Randomly by seed (you can specify the seed)

Value distribution mode options for datetime datatype

This layout is available for some columns with datatypes nvarchar, xml, hierarchyid, date, nchar, etc.

Value distribution mode options with the ability to configure values repetition

In this layout available for some columns with int datatype, besides the basic options, you can select to distribute values sequentially and specify the number of times a value can be repeated in a generated dataset.

Value distribution mode options for int datatype

Value distribution mode options with the ability to specify the increment value for sequential distribution

In this layout available for some columns with datetime and tinyint datatypes, besides the basic options, you can select to distribute values sequentially and specify the increment value.

Value distribution mode options for datetime datatype

Depending on the data itself the increment value can be expressed in:

  • Days
  • Days and time
  • Numbers

Value distribution mode options with the ability to loop data

This Value distribution mode layout provides the possibility to loop the data to be generated. To do this, select the check box next to the Loop data option.

Value distribution mode options for datetime datatype