Command Line Options for /schemacompare Operation

By default, dbForge Studio for Oracle generates a file with command-line arguments and writes all the comparison and synchronization options into it. Each option is written like the following:

/option_name: [Y/N]

You can edit the file to turn on/off the required options. To turn on comparison and synchronization options, edit their values to Yes, Y, True, T, or On. To turn off the options, change their values to No, N, False, F, or Off.

Each option has a full and short name. You can type either name of a required option into Command Prompt instead of editing the file.

See the list of the options with their full and short command line names below.

Command line option name Short name Option
AddRecompileDependantsScript addnocheck Add a script for recompiling invalid dependent objects to the end of the synchronization script
DisableDependencyAnalysis disdep Disable dependency analysis
DropCreateOnly dropcreateonly Use DROP and CREATE instead of ALTER for views, procedures, functions, triggers, packages, and Java Sources
DropCreateOnlyTables dropcreateonlyt Use DROP and CREATE instead of ALTER for tables
EnableNoValidate ennovalid Set ENABLE NOVALIDATE for constraints
EnableTableLock tablelock Enable table locks during synchronization
ErrorsAsWarnings ewarnings When selected, the specified errors will be treated as warnings and will not affect the Exit Code
ExcludeComments nocomments Exclude comments
ExcludeDependencies edep Exclude dependencies
ForceColumnOrder force Force column order
IgnoreCase icase Ignore case
IgnoreCharSemantics ichs Ignore character length semantics
IgnoreCheckConstraints icheck Ignore check constraints
IgnoreCollations icollate Ignore collations
IgnoreColumnDefaultValues icoldef Preserve the column order
IgnoreColumnOrderInIndexes mindcolorder Ignore the column order for the included columns in indexes
IgnoreCommentObjects iobjcomment Ignore COMMENT objects during comparison
IgnoreComments icomment Ignore comments
IgnoreConstraintClauseEnableDisable iconstdisable Ignore ENABLE and DISABLE clause of constraints in tables.
IgnoreConstraintClauseValidateNovalidate iconstnovalidate Ignore VALIDATE and NOVALIDATE clause of constraints in tables.
IgnoreConstraintsNames iconnames Ignore constraint names
IgnoreDataTypesInColumn idtc Ignore column data types
IgnoreDataTypesInVirtualColumn idtvc Ignore data types in virtual columns
IgnoreDependantObjectsInOtherSchemas iesobj Ignore dependant objects in other schemas
IgnoreDoubleQuotesInPlSqlBlocks idplsql Ignore double quotes on Pl/SQL blocks
IgnoreDropIndexes idropi Ignore indexes present only in Target
IgnoreExternalTableLocation ietl Ignore external table location
IgnoreFlashbackArchive ifba Ignore flashback archive
IgnoreForeignKeyActions ifkacts Ignore foreign key action ON DELETE
IgnoreForeignKeys ifk Ignore foreign keys
IgnoreIlmPolicies iilmp Ignore ILM policies
IgnoreIndexes iindex Ignore indexes
IgnoreIndexesNames iinames Ignore index names
IgnoreInsteadOfTriggers iiotrig Ignore INSETAD OF triggers
IgnoreInvalidObjectsFromSource iinvsobj The None operation will be set for all objects from the source schema of INVALID status in the comparison results grid
IgnoreLoggingNologgingClause ilnl Ignore LOGGING AND NOLOGGING clause.
IgnoreMaterializedViewsInitials imviewst Ignore START WITH in materialized views
IgnoreNotNullConstraints inotnull Ignore Not Null constraints
IgnoreParallelClause ipc Ignore parallel clause
IgnorePartitions ipart Ignore partitions while comparing
IgnorePermissions iperm Ignore permissions
IgnorePhysicalAttributes iphysattr Ignore physical storage settings for tables when comparing and synchronizing databases
IgnorePrimaryKeys ipk Ignore primary keys
IgnoreSchemaName ischemaname Ignore schema name
IgnoreSequencesCache iseqcache Ignore CACHE in sequences and identity column during comparison and synchronization
IgnoreSequencesCycle iseqcycle Ignore CYCLE in sequences and identity column during comparison and synchronization
IgnoreSequencesIncrementBy iseqinc Ignore INCREMENT BY in sequences and identity column during comparison and synchronization
IgnoreSequencesInitials iseqst Ignore START WITH in sequences and identity column during comparison and synchronization
IgnoreSequencesMaxValue iseqmxv Ignore MAXVALUE in sequences and identity column during comparison and synchronization
IgnoreSequencesMinValue iseqmv Ignore MIN VALUE in sequences and identity column during comparison and synchronization
IgnoreStorageClause istorage Ignore STORAGE settings for tables when comparing and synchronizing databases
IgnoreSupplementalLog isupl Ignore supplemental log
IgnoreTableDMLTriggers itdmltrig Ignore table DML triggers
IgnoreTablesCompressions itcompr Ignore difference in the compressions for the tables.
IgnoreTablespaces itspace Ignore tablespaces during comparison
IgnoreTriggerFireOrder ifire Ignore firing order for DML triggers
IgnoreUniqueConstraints iuc Ignore unique constraints
IncludeComparisonSettings incsettings Include comparison settings into comparison report
IncludeIdenticalObjects incident Include identical objects into comparison report
IsCompareWrappedVsUnwrapped cwrapped Compare wrapped and unwrapped PL/SQL objects
IsForceCreateObjects forceviews Force the creation of objects even if they are invalid
MappingIgnoreCase micase Ignore case in object names
MappingIgnoreSpaces mispace Ignore spaces in object names
MappingSimilar msim Associate column name having similar name options
PurgeRecycleBin purgerebin Purge the recycle bin when objects are being dropped
QuoteObjectNames quoteobj Always quote object names with double quotes
RebuildSequences rebuildseq Forcedly rebuild sequences
RestoreSessionParameters restoresession Restore session parameters (NLS_DATE_FORMAT, NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT, NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS, NLS_NCHAR_CONV_EXCP, TIME_ZONE) after the script is done
SelectedObjectsOnly selobjonly Includes objects selected for synchronization into your report
UseSchemaNamePrefix fullnames Generate fully qualified object names in the synchronization script
UseSqlExtensionCommands sqlplus Use SQL *Plus commands SET SQLBLANKLINES and SET DEFINE in synchronization script.

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