This topic gives detailed description of command line switches and examples of their usage.
To get more information on switches related to schema comparison in the command line interface, you can type:
C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle> /schemacompare /?
The path to the executable file will differ depending on how you have installed the Studio - as a standalone tool or as part of the dbForge Edge bundle. Make sure that you have specified a correct path. If you have installed the Studio as part of dbForge Edge, change the path accordingly:
C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Edge\dbForge Studio for Oracle>
Below all switches of this option are described, together with usage examples.
Argument | Action and Usage |
/source | Specifies source database schema for comparison and synchronization in the command line. It is possible to use several options for defining the schema. To connect to a server via Oracle client, type: server:<server_alias> [home:<oracle_home_name>] user:<user_name> password:<pw> mode:[normal/sysdba/sysoper] To connect to a server without using Oracle client (direct connection), type: host:<machine_name> [port:<port_number>] SID:<oracle_service_ID> user:<user_name> password:<password> mode:[normal/sysdba/sysoper] To specify full connection string with additional parameters, type: connection:<connection_string> To specify the file path to a database schema snapshot file (.snap) that captures the structure of a database in the XML format: snapshot:<filepath> To specify the file path to a SQL Server backup file (.bak) or backup files taken from the differential backup: backup:<filepath> [backup:<filepath> ...] |
/target | Defines target database schema for comparison and synchronization in the command line. It is possible to use several options for defining the schema. To connect to a server via Oracle client, type: server:<server_alias> [home:<oracle_home_name>] user:<user_name> password:<pw> mode:[normal/sysdba/sysoper] To connect to a server without using Oracle client (direct connection), type: host:<machine_name> [port:<port_number>] SID:<oracle_service_ID> user:<user_name> password:<password> mode:[normal/sysdba/sysoper] To specify full connection string with additional parameters, type: connection:<connection_string> To specify the file path to a database schema snapshot file (.snap) that captures the structure of a database in the XML format: snapshot:<filepath> To specify the file path to a SQL Server backup file (.bak) or backup files taken from the differential backup: backup:<filepath> [backup:<filepath> ...] |
/compfile | Loads command line settings from the comparison project file, *.scomp. Command usage looks like: /compfile:<filepath> Example of using a file with comparison settings, saved earlier: C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle> /schemacompare /compfile:"D:\workDir\OSC1vsOSC2.scomp" |
/options | Specifies some comparison and synchronization options directly in the command line interface. See the list of available options and learn how to use them in the Command Line Options for /schemacompare Operation topic. |
/sync | Performs schema synchronization from the command line interface. If you specify output file for synchronization, only synchronization script will be generated. Command usage looks like: /sync[:filepath] The following example shows how to compare schemas using settings from the file saved before, and save synchronization script: C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle> /schemacompare /compfile:"OSC1vsOSC2.scomp" /sync:"D:\compare_result.sql" |
/report and /reportformat | Generates schema comparison report in .html or .xls format. If you specify file format in the output file name in the /report switch, it is not necessary to use the /reportformat switch. Commands usage looks like: /report:<filepath> /reportformat:<HTML|XLS> The following example shows how to compare schemas using settings from a file, generate report to the specified file in the HTML format: C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle> /schemacompare /compfile:"OSC1vsOSC2.scomp" /report:"report.txt" /reportformat:HTML |
/includeobjects | /includeobjects:<All|Filtered|Diff|SelectForSync Specifies objects for the report: * All - all objects; * Filtered - filtered objects; * Diff - objects with differences; * SelectForSync - objects selected for synchronization. The option refers specifically to the report generation in the HTML/XLS/XML formats and does not work separately from the /report:<filepath> key. |
/log | Writes a comparison log to the specified file. Command usage looks like: /log:<filepath> The following example shows how to compare schemas using settings from the file and write log to the specified file: C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle> /schemacompare /compfile:"OSC1vsOSC2.scomp" /log:"D:\sync.log |
/groupby | Generates comparison reports. use it to group objects in such report. Command usage looks like: /groupby:<none/status/objecttype> The following example shows how to compare schemas using settings from the file, generate comparison report, and group objects in the report by type: C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle> /schemacompare /compfile:"OSC1vsOSC2.scomp" /report:"report.txt" /reportformat:HTML /groupby:objecttype |
/schemas | Defines schemas to compare. If you don’t, schemas specified in /source and /target will be used. Command usage looks like: /schemas:<source_1>,<target_1>[;<source_2>,<target_2>;...] The following example shows how to compare schemas using connection through client. C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle> /schemacompare /source server:OraServer user:system password:pswd /target server:OraServer2 user:system password:pswd /schemas:OSC1,OSC2" |
/schemacompare /compfile:"D:\workDir\OSC1vsOSC2.scomp"
/schemacompare /source server:OraServer user:system password:pswd /target server:OraServer2 user:system password:pswd /schemas:OSC1,OSC2 /sync /log:"D:\sync.log"
/schemacompare /source host:oraHost port:1521 SID:orcl user:sys password:manager mode:sysdba /target server:OraServer user:system password:pswd /schemas:SC1,SC2;OSC1,OSC2 /sync:"D:\compare_result.sql"
/schemacompare /compfile:"OSC1vsOSC2.scomp" /icase:yes /IgnoreForeignKeys:yes /report:"report.txt" /reportformat:HTML /groupby:objecttype /incsettings:T /sync
To build the command-line syntax, it’s better to use the Command-line Wizard.