This topic provides the detailed walk-through on how to establish a connection to a Review Server using HTTPS.
Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Devart\Review Assistant.
Note: The Program Data folder is hidden by default.
Open the settings.xml file.
In the URL field, replace “http” with “https”.
Reboot the Review Assistant server, as described in the Applying the New Settings to the Server section of the Editing Server Settings topic.
Run IIS Manager with help of the ‘inetmgr’ command.
In the Connections window, right-click Default Website and select Edit Bindings.
The Site Bindings dialog box opens. Click Add.
The Add Site Binding dialog box opens. Specify the following parameters:
To learn more about the certificate creation and binding configuration, refer to the MSDN article.
To create a new certificate, run the makecert command with the following parameters.
makecert -pe -ss My -sr LocalMachine -a sha1 -sky exchange -n "CN=my certificate"
To learn more about makecert, refer to the MSDN article.
Obtain the certificate hash. Read the MSDN article for the detailed instructions.
To bind the certificate to the port, (for example, port 443) run the netsh command with the following parameters.
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=3ed9cd0c315bbb6dc1c08da5e6 appid={7a9255ff-7841-4f65-b571-5a1ddf1dbb43}
Note: Perform all manipulations with the command prompt with administrator privileges.