LinqConnect Documentation
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    Scalar Functions
    In This Topic
    Scalar Functions
    LinqConnect Documentation
    Scalar Functions
    [email protected]

    Scalar function can be used in the SELECT clause or in some condition (WHERE, JOIN, ORDER BY, etc.). The same should be correct for the corresponding method. LinqConnect allows you to use a DataContext method, mapped to the scalar function, in any part of a LINQ query.

    Here is an example with a function, returning a number of employees (Emp table rows) for the specified department (Dept table row). This example uses Oracle stored function, you need to modify the function to use it with other DBMS.

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp_number (dept_id NUMBER)
      res NUMBER;
      SELECT count(empno) INTO res FROM emp WHERE emp.deptno = dept_id;
      RETURN res;

    DataContext method for this function may look like the following (Attribute mapping is used; see Method Mapping for an example of the XML method mapping).

    C#csharpCopy Code
    [Function(Name = @"EMP_NUMBER", IsComposable = true)]
    public int EmpNumber(
      [Parameter(Name = "DEPT_ID", DbType = "NUMBER")] int DeptId
        IExecuteResult _EmpNumberResult = this.ExecuteMethodCall(
        return (int)_EmpNumberResult.ReturnValue;
    Visual BasicCopy Code
    <[Function](Name:="EMP_NUMBER", IsComposable:=True)> _
    Public Function EmpNumber( _
        <Parameter(Name:="DEPT_ID", DbType:="NUMBER")> DeptId As Int32 _
    ) As Int32
        Dim _EmpNumberResult As IExecuteResult = _
            Me.ExecuteMethodCall(Me, DirectCast(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod(), MethodInfo), DeptId)
        Return CType(_EmpNumberResult.ReturnValue, Int32)
    End Function

    Notice the following details of the wrapper method implementation:

    • ExecuteMethodCall - this is a service method of the DataContext class, which prepares and executes a query based on the method metadata. It accepts the following arguments: a DataContext instance, .NET method metadata, and the collection of the method parameters.
    • ExecuteMethodCall result - the IExecuteResult interface, that consists of two members: the ReturnValue property returning the method return value, and the GetParameterValue(int parameterIndex) method returning the value of the specified parameter.
    • Since both ReturnValue and GetParameterValue return System.Object, you need to explicitly cast them to the correct types in the wrapper methods.

    This wrapper method can be used in the SELECT clause of a query:

    C#csharpCopy Code
    ScottDataContext context = new ScottDataContext() { Log = Console.Out };
    var query = from dept in context.Depts
                select new
                    EmpsNumber = context.EmpNumber(dept.Deptno)
    var list = query.ToList();
    Visual BasicCopy Code
    Dim context As New ScottDataContext() With { _
        .Log = Console.Out _
    Dim query = From dept In context.Depts
                Select New With { _
                    dept.Deptno, _
                    Key .EmpsNumber = context.EmpNumber(dept.Deptno) _
    Dim list = query.ToList()

    Generated SQL:

    FROM DEPT t1

    and in conditions (for example, in WHERE clause):

    C#csharpCopy Code
    ScottDataContext context = new ScottDataContext() { Log = Console.Out };
    var query = from dept in context.Depts
                where context.EmpNumber(dept.Deptno) > 1
                select dept;
    var list = query.ToList();
    Visual BasicCopy Code
    Dim context As New ScottDataContext() With { _
        .Log = Console.Out _
    Dim query = From dept In context.Depts _
                Where context.EmpNumber(dept.Deptno) > 1 _
                Select dept
    Dim list = query.ToList()

    Generated SQL:

    FROM DEPT t1

    As you can see, the wrapper methods wrap scalar functions so effectively that you don't need to think whether these methods wrap stored routines, and can just use them in queries as usual .NET methods.

    Notice that if such wrapper method is used as a part of a query, it is not in fact executed. It is just used as a mark to specify that the certain stored function should be called in this place, so that the LinqConnect engine can translate the LINQ expression into the proper SQL. It's easy to check it - just set a breakpoint inside the wrapper method code and execute any of above queries. The example will execute but it will not stop on the breakpoint. If you think about it, it is quite logical: if the wrapper method were executed, every record would have to be fetched sequentially from the database, which would be fatal for performance.

    The wrapper is executed only when it is called directly (instead of being a part of a LINQ query):

    C#csharpCopy Code
    ScottDataContext context = new ScottDataContext() { Log = Console.Out };
    int salesEmployeesCount =  context.EmpNumber(30);
    Visual BasicCopy Code
    Dim context As New ScottDataContext() With { _
        .Log = Console.Out _
    Dim salesEmployeesCount As Integer = context.EmpNumber(30)

    There is no query in this example, so there is nothing to translate. The method is executed and its code calls the stored function (if the method is written correctly). To always have correct wrapper methods generated, use Entity Developer visual LinqConnect model designer and code generator.

    See Also

    Stored Procedures in LinqConnect  | Table Functions  | Non-Composable Functions, Returning Resultsets