| Name | Description |
 | ClientId | This property specifies the client identifier for the connection. It helps to make audition of the client connections and gives an opportunity to distinguish between the applications connecting to. |
 | ConnectionClass | Gets or sets the connection class used for database resident connection pooling. |
 | ConnectionLifetime | Gets or sets time span in seconds for connection to live. |
 | ConnectionString | Gets or sets the connection string associated with the System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder. (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | ConnectionTimeout | Gets or sets the time to wait while trying to establish a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error. |
 | ConnectMode | Gets or sets whether to open a session with default or administrative privileges. |
 | Count | Gets the current number of keys that are contained within the System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString property. (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | DefaultCommandTimeout | Gets or sets the time in seconds to wait while trying to execute a command before terminating the attempt and generating an error. |
 | DefaultFetchSize | Gets or sets the default value of the OracleCommand.FetchSize property of OracleCommand instances, created via the OracleConnection.CreateCommand method. |
 | DescribeStoredProcedure | Enables or disables additional check queries, performed when executing an OracleCommand with CommandType equal to CommandType.StoredProcedure. |
 | Direct | Indicates whether Direct mode of communicating with server should be used. |
 | Enlist | Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the connection is automatically enlisted in the current transaction context. |
 | HAEvents | Allows dotConnect for Oracle to proactively remove connections to corresponding Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) database service, service member, instance, or node from the pool when this service, service member, instance, or node goes down. |
 | Home | Gets or sets which Oracle Home to use. |
 | InitializationCommand | Specifies a data source-specific command that should be executed immediately after establishing the connection. (Inherited from Devart.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | IsFixedSize | Overridden. Returns true. |
 | IsReadOnly | Gets a value that indicates whether the System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder is read-only. (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | Item | Overridden. Returns the value of given key. |
 | Keys | Overridden. Collection of keys in the OracleConnectionStringBuilder. |
 | LobBlockSize | Specifies the size of a block (in megabytes) to read/write CLOB or NCLOB data from/to database. This option is supported in OCI mode only. Applicable only for Unicode Oracle servers. |
 | MaxPoolSize | The maximum number of connections allowed in the pool. |
 | MinPoolSize | The minimum number of connections allowed in the pool. |
 | NumberMappings | Gets or sets the collection of number mappings used for this connection. |
 | OciSessionPoolAllowWaiting | Enables or disables waiting for a connection to close when there is no free connection. |
 | OciSessionPoolConnectionLifetime | Gets or sets the connection lifetime in the OCI pool. |
 | OciSessionPoolIncrement | Specifies the number of sessions that are added at once. |
 | OciSessionPooling | Enables or disables the OCI Session Pooling feature. |
 | OciSessionPoolMaxSize | Specifies the maximum number of sessions that can be opened in the session pool. |
 | OciSessionPoolMinSize | Specifies the minimum number of sessions in the session pool. |
 | OciSessionPoolPassword | Gets or sets password for proxy connections. |
 | OciSessionPoolUserId | Gets or sets User Id for proxy connections. |
 | OraMts | Determines whether to use Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server (OraMTS) for distributed transactions. |
 | PassParametersByName | Determines whether parameters will be passed by name to the stored procedure calls. |
 | Password | Gets or sets the user's password to connect. |
 | PersistSecurityInfo | Gets or sets a value indicating whether password is stored in connection string after connection is opened. |
 | Pooling | Gets or sets pooling mode. |
 | Port | Gets or sets the number of a port to communicate with listener on the server. |
 | ProxyPassword | Gets or sets the password for Oracle proxy authentication. |
 | ProxyUserId | Gets or sets the proxy user id for Oracle proxy authentication. |
 | RunOnceCommand | Specifies a data source-specific command that should be executed immediately after first establishing the connection. Unlike InitializationCommand, this command is not executed when a connection is taken from the pool. (Inherited from Devart.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | Server | Gets or sets the name of TNS alias of the Oracle database to which to connect. |
 | ServiceName | Gets or sets an alias to an Oracle database instance (or many instances) to use in the OracleConnection.Direct mode. |
 | Sid | Gets or sets a unique name for an Oracle database instance. |
 | SshAuthenticationType | Gets or sets the client authentication method. |
 | SshCipherList | List of ciphers that client agrees to use. |
 | SshHost | Gets or sets name or ip address of SSH server. |
 | SshHostKey | Gets or sets the location of the public key on the client side to verify the server host key during establishing connection. |
 | SshPassphrase | Gets or sets the client key passphrase. |
 | SshPassword | Gets or sets user password on SSH server. |
 | SshPort | Gets ot sets number of port on SSH server to connect. |
 | SshPrivateKey | Gets or sets the location of the client private key. |
 | SshStrictHostKeyChecking | Indicates whether the host key is verified during establishing connection. |
 | SshUser | Gets or sets user id on SSH server. |
 | SslCert | Gets or sets the SSL Certificate contents as a base64 encoded string. |
 | SslKey | Gets or sets the SSL Key contents as a base64 encoded string. |
 | SslServerCertDN | Gets or sets parameters for Oracle server certificate check. |
 | SslWalletPath | Determines the location of the Oracle Wallet to get a certificate for connecting to Oracle in the Direct mode. |
 | StatementCachePurge | Determines whether to clear the OCI statement cache when closing the connection or putting it to the pool. |
 | StatementCacheSize | Gets or sets the maximum number of statements that can be cached for a connection. |
 | TransactionScopeLocal | Enables support for non-distributed transactions in the TransactionScope implementation. |
 | TrimFixedChar | Specifies whether to trim trailing spaces when reading data from fixed-length string data types (CHAR, NCHAR). |
 | Unicode | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the UTF16 charset will be used. |
 | UsePerformanceMonitor | Enables dotConnect for Oracle performance counters that allow you to conveniently measure the frequency of connecting/disconnecting to the data source, the number of active connections, pooled connections, etc. via Windows Performance Monitor or programmatically. See Performance Counters Support for more information. |
 | UserId | Gets or sets the name of the user to connect. |
 | ValidateConnection | Indicates whether to validate connections that are being taken from the pool. |
 | Values | Overridden. Collection of values in the OracleConnectionStringBuilder. |