| Class | Description |
| DirectUtils | Use this class to configure the packet size in the OracleConnection.Direct mode. |
| NativeOracleArray | Represents an Oracle collection (VARRAY). |
| NativeOracleObject | Represents a Oracle object of type defined by user. |
| NativeOracleObjectBase | Represents an object of any Oracle object type defined by the user (Object, VARRAY or Nested table). |
| NativeOracleTable | Represents Oracle Nested table type. |
| OracleAlert | Represents Oracle alert message. |
| OracleAlerter | Manages Oracle alerts. |
| OracleAlerterAlertEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleAlerter.Alert event of the OracleAlerter class. |
| OracleAlerterErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleAlerter.Error event of the OracleAlerter class. |
| OracleAlerterFinishEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleAlerter.Stopped event of the OracleAlerter class. |
| OracleAnyData | Represents Oracle SYS.ANYDATA type. |
| OracleArray | Represents a client-side cached Oracle collection (VARRAY). |
| OracleArrayDataReader | Allows to read a forward-only stream of rows from an OracleArray or OracleTable. |
| OracleAttribute | Represents an attribute of the OracleObject type. |
| OracleAttributeCollection | Represents attributes of Oracle object type. |
| OracleBFile | Represents a managed OracleBFile object to work with the Oracle BFILE data type. |
| OracleClientFactory | Represents a factory required to create inheritors of generic base classes to use with dotConnect for Oracle. |
| OracleCommand | Represents a SQL statement, PL/SQL statement, or stored procedure to execute against Oracle. |
| OracleCommandBuilder | Automatically generates single-table commands used to reconcile changes made to a System.Data.DataSet with the Oracle. |
| OracleConnection | Represents an open connection to Oracle. |
| OracleConnectionErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleConnection.Error event of the OracleConnection class. |
| OracleConnectionStringBuilder | Generates automatically connection strings used to connect to Oracle. |
| OracleCredential | Represents a pair of user name and password, with a password stored in a more secure way than a usual System.String. |
| OracleCursor | Represents an Oracle REF CURSOR and value of cursor field. |
| OracleDataAdapter | Represents a set of data commands and a data source connection that are used to fill the System.Data.DataSet and update an Oracle data. |
| OracleDatabase | This class represents an Oracle Database instance and allows you to start and stop it. |
| OracleDataReader | Reads a forward-only stream of rows from Oracle. |
| OracleDataSet | Represents an in-memory cache of data with support for Oracle-specific features. |
| OracleDataSourceEnumerator | Provides a mechanism for enumerating all known Oracle servers (TNS aliases). |
| OracleDataTable | Represents a single object that provides all of the functionality needed to retrieve and manipulate data from an Oracle data source. |
| OracleDependency | Represents a dependency between an application and an Oracle database. |
| OracleError | Represents an Oracle error returned by the server. |
| OracleErrorCollection | Collects errors of an exception generated by dotConnect for Oracle. This class cannot be inherited. |
| OracleException | The exception that is generated when Oracle returns an error. |
| OracleFailoverEventsArgs | Provides data for the OracleConnection.Failover event of the OracleConnection class. |
| OracleGlobalization | Manages the Oracle globalization settings of the application, and local computer. Oracle globalization settings of the local computer are read-only. |
| OracleHAEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleConnection.HAEvent event of the OracleConnection class. |
| OracleHome | Represents an Oracle home. |
| OracleHomeCollection | Represents a list of available Oracle homes. |
| OracleInfoMessageEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleConnection.InfoMessage event. |
| OracleLoader | Serves to load external data into the Oracle database. |
| OracleLoaderColumn | Represents the attributes for column loading. |
| OracleLoaderColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns relevant to a OracleLoader. |
| OracleLoaderErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleLoader.Error event of the OracleLoader class. |
| OracleLoaderRowsCopiedEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleLoader.Error event of the OracleLoader class. |
| OracleLob | Represents LOB data type stored on an Oracle server. |
| OracleLogicalTransaction | This class allows you to find out whether the transaction, running during the last database outage, was successfully committed and completed and determine whether your application should commit, complete, or rollback the transaction in order to avoid logical corruption because of committing duplicate transactions. |
| OracleLogicalTransactionStatus | Indicates the logical status of the transaction. |
| OracleMetaDataCollectionNames | Enumerates collection names you can use for metadata retrieval purposes. |
| OracleMonitor | Monitors dynamic SQL execution in applications that use dotConnect for Oracle. |
| OracleNotificationEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleDependency.OnChange event. |
| OracleNotificationRequest | Represents a notification request to be subscribed in the database. |
| OracleNumberMapping | Represents a mapping between .NET and Oracle number types. |
| OracleNumberMappingCollection | Represents a collection of OracleNumberMapping objects. |
| OracleObject | Represents a client-side cached Oracle object of type defined by user. |
| OraclePackage | Provides access to packages stored in the Oracle database. |
| OracleParameter | Represents a parameter to a OracleCommand, and optionally, its mapping to System.Data.DataSet columns. |
| OracleParameterCollection | Collects all parameters relevant to a OracleCommand as well as their respective mappings to System.Data.DataSet columns. |
| OraclePermission | Enables dotConnect for Oracle to ensure that a user has an adequate security level to access an Oracle database. This class cannot be inherited. |
| OraclePermissionAttribute | Associates a security action with a custom security attribute. |
| OraclePipe | Represents Oracle pipe. |
| OraclePipeMessage | Represents elementary piece of data to transfer through Oracle pipe. |
| OraclePipeMessageCollection | Represents data transferred through Oracle pipe. |
| OracleProviderException | The exception that is thrown when dotConnect for Oracle returns a provider (non-database) error. |
| OracleProviderFactory | Represents a factory required to create inheritors of generic base classes to use with dotConnect for Oracle. |
| OracleQueue | Represents Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing (AQ). |
| OracleQueueAdmin | Manages Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing (AQ) configuration and administration information. |
| OracleQueueAgent | Identifies a producer or a consumer of a message. |
| OracleQueueAgentCollection | Represents a collection of OracleQueueAgent objects. |
| OracleQueueDequeueOptions | Represents the options available for the dequeue operation. |
| OracleQueueEnqueueOptions | Represents the options available for the enqueue operation. |
| OracleQueueMessage | Represents queue messages. |
| OracleQueueMessageEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleQueue.OnMessage event of the OracleQueue class. |
| OracleQueueMessageProperties | Describes the information that AQ uses to manage individual messages. |
| OracleQueueOptions | Queue options that are used upon creation. |
| OracleQueueTable | Represent queue table for messages of a predefined type. |
| OracleQueueTableOptions | Queue table properties, that are used for its creation. |
| OracleRef | Represents a reference to the object (REF). |
| OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdated event. |
| OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleDataAdapter.RowUpdating event. This class cannot be inherited. |
| OracleScript | Serves to execute series of SQL statements separated by special symbols, like SQL*Plus scripts. |
| OracleSelectStatement | Represents a SELECT statement. |
| OracleShardingKey | Represents sharding key value to set for a connecion in order to perform single-shard queries. |
| OracleSqlStatement | Represents a SQL statement. |
| OracleSqlStatementCollection | Represents a list of OracleSqlStatement objects. |
| OracleTable | Represents a client-side cached Oracle Nested table type. |
| OracleTrace | Controls server side SQL and PL/SQL tracing. |
| OracleTransaction | Represents a SQL transaction to be made in the Oracle database. |
| OracleType | Represents any Oracle object type defined by the user such as OracleObject, OracleArray or OracleTable. |
| OracleXml | Represents an Oracle XMLType instance. |
| SqlStatementExecuteEventArgs | Provides data for the OracleScript.SqlStatementExecute event of the OracleScript class. |
| SshOptions | Represents information required to establish a SSH connection. |
| SslOptions | Represents information required to establish a SSL connection. |