Find Text with Wildcards

Last modified: August 8, 2024

The Find and Replace window contains a list of expressions to replace characters or digits in the Find what field. They are called wildcards. To open the Find and Replace window, navigate to the Edit menu and select Find and Replace > Find.

Selecting Use in the Find and Replace window allows choosing Wildcards and unlock the following set of expressions:


Syntax Expression Description
* Zero or more of any character Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding expression, making all possible matches.
? Any single character Matches any single character.
# Any single digit Matches any single digit. For example, 5# matches numbers that include 5 followed by another number, such as 51, but not 15.
[] Any one character in the set Matches any one of the characters within the [].
[! ] Any one character not in the set Matches any character that is not specified in the set.
\ Escape Special Character Matches the character that follows the backslash as a literal. This allows you to find the characters used in wildcard notation, such as * and #.