This topic gives a quick guide on how to view data in related tables with the help of Master-Detail Browser.
For example, you need to view details for each actor for all categories in the Sakila database. To do this, you should perform the following actions:
- On the Database menu, click
Master-Detail Browser.
- Drag the actor, film_actor_id , and film tables from Database Explorer to the designer area.
Select the actor table and click Set Table as Master
on the toolbar pane of the master-detail document.

- Link columns, if needed.
- Select checkboxes near the columns you want to be included into the results and deselect the checkboxes near the columns you don’t want to be included into the result.
- Click
Browse Data (F5) on the toolbar pane.
- Navigate between the records in the master table and click + to view the detail data.

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