Parameters Used in Connection String

User Id

Gets or sets the name of the user to connect.


Gets or sets the user’s password to connect.


Gets or sets name or IP address of host of MySQL database to which to connect.


Gets or sets port of MySQL server to which to connect.


Gets or sets the name of the database to be used once a connection is open.

Connection Timeout

Gets or sets the time to wait while trying to establish a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error.

Default Command Timeout

Gets or sets the time in seconds to wait while trying to execute a command before terminating the attempt and generating an error.

Ping Interval

Gets or sets the interval (in seconds) between pinging MySQL server and reopening the connection if required.


Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the connection is automatically enlisted in the current transaction context.

Transaction Scope Local

Enables support for non-distributed transactions in the Transaction Scope implementation.

Pipe Name

Gets or sets name of pipe to use when connecting with named pipe.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the MySQL client library (libmysql.dll) will be used.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable transferred data compression.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the UTF8 character set will be used.


Gets or sets a MySQL Protocol of the MySQL Connection String Builder.

Persist Security Info

Gets or sets a value indicating whether password is stored in connection string after connection is opened.

Client Interactive

Determines the inactivity timeout before the server breaks the connection.


Gets or sets pooling mode.

Min Pool Size

The minimum number of connections allowed in the pool.

Max Pool Size

The maximum number of connections allowed in the pool.

Connection Lifetime

Gets or sets time span in seconds for connection to live.

Server Parameters

Gets or sets parameters for launching MySQL embedded server.

Character Set

Gets or sets character set that will be used on the client side.

Binary As Guid

The provider should treat BINARY(16) columns as guid.

Tiny As Boolean

The provider should treat TINYINT(1) columns as Boolean.

Validate Connection

Indicates whether to validate connections that are being taken from the pool.

Initialization Command

Specifies a database-specific command that should be executed immediately after establishing the connection.

Found Rows

Specifies whether the provider will return the number of rows matched by the WHERE condition of the UPDATE statement instead of the rows actually changed as the number of changed rows.


Specifies what server will be used to connect - MySQL server or Embedded MySQL server.

SSH Host

Gets or sets name or IP address of SSH server.

SSH Port

Gets or sets number of port on SSH server to connect.

SSH User

Gets or sets user id on SSH server.

SSH Password

Gets or sets user password on SSH server.

SSH Cipher List

Gets or sets list of ciphers that client agrees to use.

SSH Private Key

Gets or sets the location of the client private key.

SSH Passphrase

Gets or sets the client key passphrase.

SSH Authentication Type

Gets or sets the client authentication method.

SSH Host Key

Gets or sets the location of the public key on the client side to verify the server host key during establishing connection.

SSH Strict Host Key Checking

Indicates whether the host key is verified during establishing connection.

SSL Cipher List

Gets or sets list of ciphers that client agrees to use.


Gets or sets location of authority certificate.

SSL Cert

Gets or sets location of client certificate.


Gets or sets location of user’s private key.

Proxy Host

Gets or sets the host name or IP address of the proxy server to which to connect.

Proxy Port

Gets or sets the port number of the proxy server.

Proxy User

Gets or sets the proxy server account name.

Proxy Password

Gets or sets the password for the proxy server account.

Plugin Dir

Gets or sets the directory, where the plugin is located.

Default Auth Plugin

Gets or sets the name of the authentication plugin to be used.


Gets or sets url of the tunneling PHP script. For example, if the script is in the server root, the url can be the following: http://localhost/tunnel.php.


Gets or sets the user name for HTTP authorization.

HTTP Password

Gets or sets the password for HTTP authorization.

HTTP Base64

Specifies whether to encode data to MIME base64 format before sending them with the POST Request.


Gets or sets the host name or IP address of HTTP tunnel server.


Gets or sets the port number of HTTP tunnel server.

HTTP Content Length

Gets or sets the Content Length HTTP header parameter. This is the size of message body in bytes for both client and server.

HTTP Strict Content Length

Gets or sets a value indicating whether data padding is enabled when message size is smaller than Content Length.

HTTP Max Connection Age

Gets or sets the maximum connection age in seconds after which the tunnel will be closed.

HTTP Keep Alive

Gets or sets the timeout in seconds to send Keep-Alive HTTP packets.

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