How to work with different query types

The Query Builder tool allows you to build different types of SQL queries, such as SELECT, INSERT (results and values), UPDATE, and DELETE.

Overview of query types

The table provides a description of the query types supported in the tool.

Query Type Description
SELECT Creates a SELECT query that allows you to retrieve data from the tables.
INSERT RESULTS Creates an INSERT RESULTS query using an INSERT INTO statement. It allows you to transfer data from one table to another or copy data within the same table.
INSERT VALUES Creates an INSERT INTO query that allows you to insert rows and values into the table.
UPDATE Creates an UPDATE query that allows you to update one or more records in a table.
DELETE Creates a DELETE query that allows you to delete records from the selected table.


In the INSERT VALUES SQL query, you can add only one row to a table in one query.

The current query type is displayed in the upper-left corner of the diagram.

Change query types

The default SQL statement is SELECT. You can change the query type by using one of the following ways:

  • On the Query toolbar, click Change Type and select the type from the drop-down list.
  • On the Query menu, select Change Type > required type.
  • On the diagram, right-click the type you use and select Change Type > required type on the shortcut menu.
  • Right-click the diagram and select Change Type > required type.

Change a query type on the Query toolbar or menu


When selecting the INSERT RESULTS query type, you need to specify the table to insert data to. You can use this type of the query to add data from multiple tables to a single table. For more information about how to create a SQL INSERT RESULTS query, see How to create a SQL INSERT statement.

In the Choose Target Table to Insert Data to that opens, select the target database, schema, and table or view to insert data to. Then, click OK. You can also search for the required table or view it in the Search field. Start typing the name and the names matching the input criteria will be highlighted in the Tables and Views column.

Choose the target table to insert data to

Then, specify the needed values and conditions in the corresponding tabs of the Tabbed Editor. For more information about how to perform these operations, see the list of how-to topics:


When selecting the INSERT INTO query type, you need to specify the table to insert data to. For more information about how to create a SQL INSERT VALUES query, see How to create a SQL INSERT statement.

In the Choose Target Table that opens, select the database, schema, and table or view to insert data to. Then, click OK. If there are multiple tables, you can search for the required table or view. For this, in the Search field, start typing the name. The names matching the input criteria will be highlighted in the Tables and Views column.

Choose the target table to insert data to

After the table is selected, in the Tabbed Editor, add the values to the columns by doing the following:

  • In the Name column, click the empty row and select the column from the drop-down list.
  • In the Value column, enter the value to be inserted.
  • In the Default column, select whether the value will be default or not.

Enter values in the target table

Switch to the Text view to preview the SQL statement.

Preview the SQL statement


When selecting the UPDATE query type, you should specify the table you want to update. For more information about how to create a SQL UPDATE query, see How to create a SQL UPDATE statement.

In the Choose Target Table dialog that opens, select the database, schema, and table or view to insert data to. Then, click OK. If there are multiple tables, you can search for the required table or view. For this, in the Search field, start typing the name. The names matching the input criteria will be highlighted in the Tables and Views column.

Choose the table to be updated

On the Update tab, you can modify the columns and values as you did for the Insert into query.

On the Where tab, you can add the condition based on which the data will be filtered. For more information about how to add conditions and groups, see How to design conditions for WHERE clauses.


When selecting the DELETE query type, you should specify the table from which you want to delete records. For more information about how to create a SQL UPDATE query, see How to create a SQL DELETE statement.

In the Choose Target Table that opens, select the database, schema, and table or view to delete.

Then, on the Where tab, specify the condition based on which the records will be deleted. For more information about how to set up conditions, see How to design conditions for WHERE clauses.

Select the table from which the records will be deleted

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