Data Comparison Process Overview

dbForge Fusion for SQL Server gives you a perfect opportunity to compare data between different databases and backup files with many useful features. They include the following:

  • Comparison of data between different databases and backup files
  • Displaying of data comparison results in a convenient UI, easy for analysis and synchronization
  • Quick data synchronization of target and source databases or backup files
  • Asynchronous comparison and synchronization

By default, data comparison is performed only for the objects with the same names and owners. The process of choosing corresponding database objects in source and target for comparison is called object mapping. You can use dbForge Fusion for SQL Server automatic mapping or map database objects manually. dbForge Fusion for SQL Server allows you to customize mapping of schemas, tables (views) and columns, so you can compare data of objects with non-equal names, owners, and structure.

The following tables and views cannot be compared:

  • Invalid tables or views.
  • Tables or views, metadata of which can not be retrieved.

By default, data is compared by a primary or unique key, but other key or custom column set can be defined. A comparison key is used to determine which rows correspond to each other. It is not recommended to use a non-unique comparison key. If the table does not have a suitable key, you should manually select a custom key for this table when comparing. You should always set a custom key for views when comparing data with the Compare Views check box selected.

Data comparison can be saved to the file and opened later.