When the data is filtered, the column Filter button will be changed to indicate the applied filter. The filter condition appears at the bottom of the grid providing you a one-click quick access to the filter condition parameters. You can manage them in the following ways:
Choose a relation type and type values to build a filter.
Filter conditions in the Filter Editor dialog box are displayed as a tree with condition and group nodes. A group consists of several conditions or subgroups, united with a logical operator. To change a group logical operator, click it and select another one from the menu. To navigate between conditions and groups, use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys. To navigate between a condition column, a criteria operator and an operand value, use the LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW keys.
To remove a condition, click or navigate to the condition and press the DELETE or MINUS SIGN key. To remove a group, click its logical operator and select the Remove Group on the appeared menu. You can copy, cut, and paste conditions and groups with CTRL+C, CTRL+X, and CTRL+V keys.