Ignore any user differences and object permissions

dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server allows ignoring user differences and object permissions when synchronizing two databases.

Ignore object permissions

The configured schema comparison settings can be saved as a .scomp file for future use, enabling automation of schema comparison and synchronization tasks from the command line.

To save the project settings:

1. In the New Schema Comparison wizard, select the Ignore permissions option. Note, that selecting this option will automatically enable the Ignore users’ permissions option.

Ignore permissions

2. Click Compare.

3. Save the project as a .scomp file by clicking Save.

Save scomp file

To use the settings of the .scomp file in the command line, provide a path to it after the /compfile argument.

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge SQL Tools Professional\dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server\schemacompare.com" /schemacompare /compfile:"D:\path-to-your-scomp-file\comparison-file.scomp" /sync

Ignore user differences

To ignore user differences:

1. In the Schema Comparison Results document, click the filter icon.

Filter icon

2. Clear Users.

Clear users

3. Run the synchronization.

Additionally, you can create a filter file with the .scflt extension to be used in the command-line operations. For this after clearing Users in the Filter dialog, click Save. To use the created filter file in the command line, provide a path to it after the /filter argument.

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge SQL Tools Professional\dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server\schemacompare.com" /schemacompare /compfile:"D:\path-to-your-scomp-file\comparison-file.scomp" /filter:"D:\path-to-your-scflt-file\object-filter.scflt" /sync"

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