| Name | Description |
 | AllowDateTimeOffset | Determines whether to use the System.DateTimeOffset type instead of System.DateTime when PgSqlDataReader returns a timestamptz value. |
 | ApplicationName | Gets or sets the client application name. |
 | Charset | Gets or sets charset that will be used on the client side. |
 | ConnectionLifetime | Gets or sets time span in seconds for connection to live. |
 | ConnectionString | (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | ConnectionTimeout | Gets or sets the time to wait while trying to establish a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error. |
 | Count | (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | Database | Gets or sets the name of the database to be used once a connection is open. |
 | DefaultCommandTimeout | Gets or sets the time in seconds to wait while trying to execute a command before terminating the attempt and generating an error. |
 | DefaultFetchAll | Determines the default value of the FetchAll property of PgSqlCommand instances, created via the PgSqlConnection.CreateCommand method. If the FetchAll mode is enabled, PgSqlDataReader object retrieves all the querried data from the server on execution. |
 | Enlist | Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the connection is automatically enlisted in the current transaction context. |
 | ForceIPv4 | Determines whether authentication by IPv6 address is allowed, or IPv4 address is always used. |
 | Host | Gets or sets name or IP address of host of PostgreSQL database to which to connect. |
 | IgnoreUnnamedParameters | Determines whether to treat the '?' character in CommandText as an unnamed parameter. |
 | InitializationCommand | Specifies a data source-specific command that should be executed immediately after establishing the connection. (Inherited from Devart.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | IntegratedSecurity | Determines whether to use a secure authentication with single sign-on (GSSAPI or SSPI, depending on the server). |
 | IsFixedSize | Overridden. Returns true. |
 | IsReadOnly | (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | Item | Overridden. Returns the value of given key. |
 | JoinStatementNotices | Determines whether all the notices, raised during the statement execution, will be returned together in one PgSqlConnection.InfoMessage event after the statement execution, or each notice will be returned in a separate PgSqlConnection.InfoMessage event. |
 | KeepAlive | Specifies whether to send TCP keep-alive packets and the interval at which they are sent in seconds. Default value is 0, which means that the packets are not sent. |
 | KeepConnected | Specifies whether to perform periodic ping calls to PostgreSQL when a connection is inactive (in order to avoid PostgreSQL closing connection because of inactivity and to always know if the connection is still valid) and the interval at which the calls are made in seconds. Default value is 0, which means that the calls are not made. |
 | Keys | Overridden. Collection of keys in the PgSqlConnectionStringBuilder. |
 | MaxPoolSize | The maximum number of connections allowed in the pool. |
 | MinPoolSize | The minimum number of connections allowed in the pool. |
 | Password | Gets or sets the user's password to connect. |
 | PersistSecurityInfo | Gets or sets a value indicating whether password is stored in connection string after connection is opened. |
 | Pooling | Gets or sets pooling mode. |
 | Port | Gets or sets port of PostgreSQL database to which to connect. |
 | Protocol | Gets or sets version of protocol to be used. |
 | ProxyHost | Gets or sets the host name or IP address of the proxy server to which to connect. |
 | ProxyPassword | Gets or sets the password for the proxy server account. |
 | ProxyPort | Gets or sets the port number of the proxy server. |
 | ProxyUser | Gets or sets the proxy server account name. |
 | RunOnceCommand | Specifies a data source-specific command that should be executed immediately after first establishing the connection. Unlike InitializationCommand, this command is not executed when a connection is taken from the pool. (Inherited from Devart.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder) |
 | Schema | Gets or sets PostgreSQL schema to use. |
 | SshAuthenticationType | Gets or sets the client authentication method. |
 | SshCipherList | List of ciphers that client agrees to use. |
 | SshHost | Gets or sets name or ip address of SSH server. |
 | SshHostKey | Gets or sets the location of the public key on the client side to verify the server host key during establishing connection. |
 | SshPassphrase | Gets or sets the client key passphrase. |
 | SshPassword | Gets or sets user password on SSH server. |
 | SshPort | Gets ot sets number of port on SSH server to connect. |
 | SshPrivateKey | Gets or sets the location of the client private key. |
 | SshStrictHostKeyChecking | Indicates whether the host key is verified during establishing connection. |
 | SshUser | Gets or sets user id on SSH server. |
 | SslCACert | Gets or sets location of authority certificate. |
 | SslCert | Gets or sets the location of the client SSL certificate. |
 | SslCipherList | Gets or sets list of ciphers that client agrees to use. |
 | SslKey | Gets or sets location of user's private key. |
 | SslMode | Gets or sets SSL connection priority. |
 | SslTlsProtocol | Determines the preferred TLS protocol version reported to a server when establishing a secure connection. |
 | TargetSession | Determines how the host to connect to is selected from the list when multiple hosts are specified in the Host connection string parameter. See Load Balancing and Failover for more information. |
 | TransactionErrorBehavior | Determines whether to roll back a transaction automatically when an error occurs inside the transaction. |
 | TransactionScopeLocal | Enables support for non-distributed transactions in the TransactionScope implementation. |
 | Unicode | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the UTF8 charset will be used. |
 | UnpreparedExecute | Sets the default value of the PgSqlCommand.UnpreparedExecute property of PgSqlCommand instances. |
 | UserId | Gets or sets the name of the user to connect. |
 | ValidateConnection | Indicates whether to validate connections that are being taken from the pool. |
 | Values | Overridden. Collection of values in the PgSqlConnectionStringBuilder. |