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Devart.Data.PostgreSql Namespace / PgSqlType Enumeration

PgSqlType Enumeration
Specifies the data type of a field, property, PgSqlParameter or PgSqlAttribute.
Public Enum PgSqlType 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
ArrayA PostgreSQL array data type. May be represented as the PgSqlArray class or the System.String.
BigIntA PostgreSQL bigint data type that contains a 64-bit signed integer. Represented as the System.Int64.
BigIntMultirangeA PostgreSQL int8multirange type. Represented as an array of PgSqlBigIntRange.
BigIntRangeA PostgreSQL int8range type. Represented as the PgSqlBigIntRange.
BitA PostgreSQL bit data type that contains a fixed-length bit string. Represented as the System.BitArray.
BooleanA simple type representing Boolean values of true or false.
BoxA PostgreSQL box geometric data type that represents rectangular box in the plane. May be represented as the PgSqlBox class or the System.String.
ByteAA PostgreSQL bytea data type that contains a variable-length stream of binary data. May be represented as the PgSqlBlob class or the array of System.Byte.
CharA PostgreSQL char data type that contains a fixed-length character string. Represented as the System.String.
CIdrA PostgreSQL cidr data type that contains a an IPv4 or IPv6 network specification. May be represented as the PgSqlInet class.
CircleA PostgreSQL circle geometric data type that represents circle in the plane. May be represented as the PgSqlCircle class or the System.String.
DateA PostgreSQL date data type that contains a fixed-length representation of a date value. Represented as the System.DateTime.
DateMultirangeA PostgreSQL datemultirange type. Represented as an array of PgSqlDateRange.
DateRangeA PostgreSQL daterange type. Represented as the PgSqlDateRange.
DoubleA PostgreSQL double data type that contains a double-precision floating-point value. A floating point type representing values ranging from approximately 5.0 x 10(-324) to 1.7 x 10(308) with a precision of 15-16 digits. Represented as the System.Double.
InetA PostgreSQL inet data type that contains an IPv4 or IPv6 address and optionally its subnet. May be represented as the PgSqlInet class.
IntA PostgreSQL integer data type that contains a 32-bit signed integer. Represented as the System.Int32.
IntervalA PostgreSQL interval data type that contains an interval of time in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Represented as the PgSqlInterval.
IntMultirangeA PostgreSQL int4multirange type. Represented as an array of PgSqlIntRange.
IntRangeA PostgreSQL int4range type. Represented as the PgSqlIntRange.
JsonA PostgreSQL json data type that contains a JSON object. Represented as the System.String.
JsonBA PostgreSQL jsonb data type that contains a JSON object in a decomposed binary format. Represented as the System.String.
LargeObjectA PostgreSQL large object. May be represented as the PgSqlLargeObject class or the System.String.
LineA PostgreSQL line geometric data type that represents infinite line in the plane. May be represented as the PgSqlLSeg class or the System.String.
LSegA PostgreSQL lseg geometric data type that represents line segment in the plane. May be represented as the PgSqlLSeg class or the System.String.
MacAddrA PostgreSQL macaddr data type that contains a MAC address. May be represented as the PgSqlMacAddr class.
MacAddr8A PostgreSQL macaddr data type that contains a MAC address in 8 byte length EUI-64 format. May be represented as the PgSqlMacAddr class.
MoneyA PostgreSQL money data type that contains a currency amount with a fixed fractional precision.
NumericA PostgreSQL numeric data type that contains exact numeric data with selectable precision. Represented as the System.Decimal.
NumericMultirangeA PostgreSQL nummultirange type. Represented as an array of PgSqlNumericRange.
NumericRangeA PostgreSQL numrange type. Represented as the PgSqlNumericRange.
PathA PostgreSQL path geometric data type that represents open and closed geometric path in the plane. May be represented as the PgSqlPath class or the System.String.
PointA PostgreSQL point geometric data type that represents geometric point in the plane. May be represented as the PgSqlPoint class or the System.String.
PolygonA PostgreSQL polygon geometric data type that represents closed geometric path in the plane. May be represented as the PgSqlPolygon class or the System.String.
RealA PostgreSQL real data type that contains a single-precision floating-point value. Represented as the System.Single.
RowA PostgreSQL row data type that contains composite value. This type does not have corresponding .NET Framework type.
SmallIntA PostgreSQL smallint data type that contains a 16-bit signed integer. Represented as the System.Int16.
TextA PostgreSQL text data type that contains a variable-length character string. May be represented as the PgSqlText class or the System.String.
TimeA PostgreSQL time data type that contains a fixed-length representation of a time value. Represented as the System.TimeSpan.
TimeStampA PostgreSQL timestamp data type that contains date and time, including seconds. Represented as the System.DateTime.
TimeStampMultirangeRepresents the PostgreSQL tsmultirange type. Represented as an array of PgSqlTimeStampRange.
TimeStampRangeRepresents the PostgreSQL tsrange type. Represented as PgSqlTimeStampRange.
TimeStampTZA PostgreSQL timestamp with time zone data type that contains date and time, including seconds, with time zone. Represented as the System.DateTime.
TimeStampTZMultirangeRepresents the PostgreSQL tstzmultirange type. Represented as an array of PgSqlTimeStampTZRange.
TimeStampTZRangeRepresents the PostgreSQL tstzrange type. Represented as PgSqlTimeStampTZRange.
TimeTZA PostgreSQL time with time zone data type that contains a fixed-length representation of a time value with time zone. Represented as the System.TimeSpan.
UuidA PostgreSQL UUID data type that represents a unique value. Represented as the System.Guid.
VarBitA PostgreSQL varbit data type that contains a variable-length bit string. Represented as the System.BitArray.
VarCharA PostgreSQL varchar data type that contains a variable-length character string. Represented as the System.String.
XmlA PostgreSQL xml type that contains XML data. May be represented as the System.String object.
The following table shows mappings between PgSqlType data types, PostgreSQL data types, Microsoft .NET Framework types.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also