dotConnect for Oracle Documentation
In This Topic
    PL/SQL Tables
    In This Topic

    dotConnect for Oracle supports PL/SQL arrays known as PL/SQL Tables as parameters of anonymous PL/SQL blocks or as parameters of stored procedures. As general arrays, PL/SQL arrays can be used for common storing similar data types accessible by index.

    When binding parameters of PL/SQL Associative Arrays, the following data types of array elements are supported:

    In our sample we will use our standard Dept table. If you don't have this table in your database see SQL script at Samples\tables.sql folder.

    The following sample demonstrates how to update several records from Dept table simultaneously using parameter of PL/SQL Table type.

    Here is SQL statement used at our sample:

      i INTEGER;
      i:= 1;
      FOR rec IN (SELECT DeptNo FROM Scott.Dept
        WHERE RowNum <= 10 ORDER BY DeptNo)
        UPDATE Scott.Dept
          SET DName = :NameArr(i)
          WHERE DeptNo = Rec.DeptNo;
        i:= i + 1;
      END LOOP;

    At the text of given above SQL there is one parameter with NameArr name of PL/SQL Table type. This SQL updates DName field of Dept table with the values from NameArr array.

    At first, you should create an object of OracleConnection class and open a session:

    OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(
       "User Id=Scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=Ora");
    Dim conn As OracleConnection = new OracleConnection( _
       "User Id=Scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=Ora")

    Please note that it is only a cut of sample and you shouldn't try to compile it. The full text of the sample will be given at the end of this article.

    After that you should create an instance of OracleCommand class associated with the OracleConnection object and specify SQL statement for the execution:

    OracleCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = "DECLARE\n" +
      "  i INTEGER;\n" +
      "BEGIN\n" +
      "  i:= 1;\n" +
      "  FOR rec IN (SELECT DeptNo FROM Scott.Dept\n" +
      "    WHERE RowNum <= 10 ORDER BY DeptNo)\n" +
      "  LOOP\n" +
      "    UPDATE Scott.Dept\n" +
      "      SET DName = :NameArr(i)\n" +
      "      WHERE DeptNo = Rec.DeptNo;\n" +
      "    i:= i + 1;\n" +
      "  END LOOP;\n" +
    Dim cmd As OracleCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
    cmd.CommandText = "DECLARE" & VbCrlf & _
            "  i INTEGER;" & VbCrlf & _
            "BEGIN" & VbCrlf & _
            "  i:= 1;" & VbCrlf & _
            "  FOR rec IN (SELECT DeptNo FROM Scott.Dept" & VbCrlf & _
            "    WHERE RowNum <= 10 ORDER BY DeptNo)" & VbCrlf & _
            "  LOOP" & VbCrlf & "    UPDATE Scott.Dept" & VbCrlf & _
            "      SET DName = :NameArr(i)" & VbCrlf & _
            "      WHERE DeptNo = Rec.DeptNo;" & VbCrlf & _
            "    i:= i + 1;" & VbCrlf & _
            "  END LOOP;" & VbCrlf & _

    Text of SQL has NameArr parameter with the value which should be specified later.

    Now for each parameter from SQL you should associate an object of OracleParameter class and add this object to the collection of the parameters of OracleCommand objects. Association is accomplished by the names of parameters in following way:

    cmd.Parameters.Add("NameArr", OracleDbType.VarChar);
    cmd.Parameters.Add("NameArr", OracleDbType.VarChar)

    Then you need to specify that the parameter with NameArr name has PL/SQL Table type. To do it, you should set ArrayLength property of the parameter to the requested value. If Dept table has four records, the size of the array also must be four.

    cmd.Parameters["NameArr"].ArrayLength = 4;
    cmd.Parameters("NameArr").ArrayLength = 4

    After that you need to set values for the array items of NameArr parameter. The amount of array items must be the same to the value of ArrayLength property.

    cmd.Parameters["NameArr"].Value = new srting[] { 
       "London", "Berlin", "Geneva", "Vienna" };
    Dim valArr(4) As string
    valArr(0) = "London"
    valArr(1) = "Berlin"
    valArr(2) = "Geneva"
    valArr(3) = "Vienna"
    cmd.Parameters("NameArr").Value = valArr

    Now you can execute SQL calling ExecuteNonQuery() method of OracleCommand class.


    Below full text of the sample.

    public void UpdateThroughPlSqlTable()
      // Create connection object
      OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(
         "User Id=Scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=Ora");
      // Open connection
      // Create command object with previously opened connection
      OracleCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
      // Set command text property
      cmd.CommandText = "DECLARE\n" +
                        "  i INTEGER;\n" +
                        "BEGIN\n" +
                        "  i:= 1;\n" +
                        "  FOR rec IN (SELECT DeptNo FROM Scott.Dept\n" +
                        "    WHERE RowNum <= 10 ORDER BY DeptNo)\n" +
                        "  LOOP\n" +
                        "    UPDATE Scott.Dept\n" +
                        "      SET DName = :NameArr(i)\n" +
                        "      WHERE DeptNo = Rec.DeptNo;\n" +
                        "    i:= i + 1;\n" +
                        "  END LOOP;\n" +
      // Add parameters to command parameters collection
      cmd.Parameters.Add("NameArr", OracleDbType.VarChar);
      // Set Pl/SQL table length
      cmd.Parameters["NameArr"].ArrayLength = 4;
      // Set array parameter value
      cmd.Parameters["NameArr"].Value = new string[] { 
         "London", "Berlin", "Geneva", "Vienna" };
      // Update table
      // Dispose command
      // Close connection
    Public Sub UpdateThroughPlSqlTable()
      ' Create connection object
      Dim conn As OracleConnection = new OracleConnection(
         "User Id=Scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=Ora")
      ' Open connection
      ' Create command object with previously opened connection
      Dim cmd As OracleCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
      ' Set command text property
    cmd.CommandText = "DECLARE" & VbCrlf & _
            "  i INTEGER;" & VbCrlf & _
            "BEGIN" & VbCrlf & _
            "  i:= 1;" & VbCrlf & _
            "  FOR rec IN (SELECT DeptNo FROM Scott.Dept" & VbCrlf & _
            "    WHERE RowNum <= 10 ORDER BY DeptNo)" & VbCrlf & _
            "  LOOP" & VbCrlf & "    UPDATE Scott.Dept" & VbCrlf & _
            "      SET DName = :NameArr(i)" & VbCrlf & _
            "      WHERE DeptNo = Rec.DeptNo;" & VbCrlf & _
            "    i:= i + 1;" & VbCrlf & _
            "  END LOOP;" & VbCrlf & _
      ' Add parameters to command parameters collection
      cmd.Parameters.Add("NameArr", OracleDbType.VarChar)
      ' Set Pl/SQL table length
      cmd.Parameters("NameArr").ArrayLength = 4
      ' Set array parameter value
      Dim valArr(4) As string
      valArr(0) = "London"
      valArr(1) = "Berlin"
      valArr(2) = "Geneva"
      valArr(3) = "Vienna"
      cmd.Parameters("NameArr").Value = valArr
      ' Update table
      ' Dispose command
      ' Close connection
    End Sub

    If you have any open questions or problems please refer to the sample from Samples\PlSqlTable folder.

    See Also

    OracleCommand Class  | Devart.Data.Oracle Namespace