dotConnect for Oracle Documentation
In This Topic
    Workflow Tracking Support
    In This Topic

    dotConnect for Oracle provides OracleTrackingParticipant class that stores TrackingRecord objects in the Oracle database. Tracking participants are the objects that allow tracking the execution of a workflow instances by subscribing for tracking records that are emitted by the workflow runtime. The tracking participants contain the logic to process the tracking records.

    To store tracking records to an Oracle database, first you need to create the schema for storing tracking records. dotConnect for Oracle provides the scripts for creating this database. They are placed to the WF Services subfolder of the dotConnect for Oracle installation folder. By default it is %ProgramFiles%\Devart\dotConnect\Oracle\WF Services\. Execute the OracleTrackingSchema.sql script first and then execute OracleTrackingLogic.sql. You may use these scripts to clean up the persistence database to have a fresh database in the same way, just execute them in the same order.

    Configuring InstanceStore with OracleTrackingParticipant class

    To use OracleTrackingParticipant class, perform the following steps:

    1. Add the Devart.Data.Oracle.WorkflowFoundation assembly to References of your solution.
    2. Add the following line to your code: "using Devart.Data.Oracle.ActivitiesTracking".
    3. Create a TrackingProfile instance.
    4. Add tracking queries to the profile.
    5. Create an OracleTrackingParticipant instance, passing a connection string as the parameter to its constructor
    6. Assign the tracking profile to the TrackingProfile property of your OracleTrackingParticipant object.
    7. Add the tracking participant to Extensions of your WorkflowApplication.
    TrackingProfile profile = new TrackingProfile {
      Name = "SampleTrackingProfile",
      ActivityDefinitionId = "*",
    profile.Queries.Add(new WorkflowInstanceQuery { States = { "*" } });
    profile.Queries.Add(new ActivityStateQuery { States = { "*" } });
    profile.Queries.Add(new ActivityScheduledQuery());
    profile.Queries.Add(new BookmarkResumptionQuery() { Name = "*" });
    OracleTrackingParticipant trackingParticipant = new OracleTrackingParticipant("User Id=Scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=Ora;");
    trackingParticipant.TrackingProfile = profile;
    WorkflowApplication wfApp = new WorkflowApplication(new Workflow1());
    Dim profile As New TrackingProfile() With { _
    	Key .Name = "SampleTrackingProfile", _
    	Key .ActivityDefinitionId = "*" _
    profile.Queries.Add(New WorkflowInstanceQuery() With { _
    	Key .States = {"*"} _
    profile.Queries.Add(New ActivityStateQuery() With { _
    	Key .States = {"*"} _
    profile.Queries.Add(New ActivityScheduledQuery())
    profile.Queries.Add(New BookmarkResumptionQuery() With { _
    	Key .Name = "*" _
    Dim trackingParticipant As New OracleTrackingParticipant("User Id=Scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=Ora;")
    trackingParticipant.TrackingProfile = profile
    Dim wfApp As New WorkflowApplication(New Workflow1())

    Configuring Workflow Tracking with Config File

    To configure Oracle Tracking by using the oracleTracking behavior element in a configuration file, perform the following steps:

    1. Add the following behavior extension element to the Machine.config file so that you can use the <oracleTracking> service behavior element in the configuration files of your applications to configure persistence for your services:

                      <add name="oracleTracking" type="Devart.Data.Oracle.Activities.Configuration.OracleTrackingElement, Devart.Data.Oracle.WorkflowFoundation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=09af7300eec23701" />

      Note: Replace in the code with your actual version.

    2. Configure Oracle Tracking by using the oracleTracking behavior element in a configuration file of your application:

            		<trackingProfile name="Sample Tracking Profile">
              	    <workflow activityDefinitionId="*">
                      		    <state name="Started"/>
                      		    <state name="Completed"/>
          	    	<behavior name="">
          	                connectionString="User Id=Scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=Ora;"
                      	    profileName="Sample Tracking Profile" />

    Configuring Workflow Tracking with OracleTrackingBehavior Class

    To enable tracking using the OracleTrackingBehavior class, perform the following steps:

    1. Add a reference to the Devart.Data.Oracle.WorkflowFoundation.dll.
    2. Add the following statement at the top of the source file after the existing "using" statements.

      using Devart.Data.Oracle.Activities.Description;
      Imports Devart.Data.Oracle.Activities.Description
    3. Create an instance of the WorkflowServiceHost and add endpoints for the workflow service.

      WorkflowServiceHost host = new WorkflowServiceHost(new CountingWorkflow(), new Uri(hostBaseAddress));
      host.AddServiceEndpoint("ICountingWorkflow", new BasicHttpBinding(), "");
      Dim host As New WorkflowServiceHost(New CountingWorkflow(), New Uri(hostBaseAddress))
      host.AddServiceEndpoint("ICountingWorkflow", New BasicHttpBinding(), "")
    4. Construct an OracleTrackingBehavior object and to set properties of the behavior object.

      ServiceHost svcHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(WorkflowService), new 
      OracleTrackingBehavior trackingBehavior = new OracleTrackingBehavior(connectionString){
      	 ProfileName = "Sample Tracking Profile"
      Dim svcHost As New ServiceHost(GetType(WorkflowService), New Uri("http://localhost:8001/Sample"))
      Dim trackingBehavior As New OracleTrackingBehavior(connectionString) With { _
      	Key .ProfileName = "Sample Tracking Profile" _
    5. Open the workflow service host.


    Workflow Tracking Information

    The OracleTrackingParticipant class stores the workflow tracking information in the created schema. Its tables are described below:

    Here is the diagram of this schema:

    Schema Diagram

    To retrieve the workflow tracking information, execute queries to these tables. For example, to retrieve all the ActivityStateRecord data for today, use the following query.

    SELECT * FROM wf_tracking_record TR
      INNER JOIN wf_activity_state_record SR ON TR.RECORD_ID = SR.RECORD_ID
    WHERE TR.event_time >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)

    See Also

    Oracle Workflow Instance Store  | Development Tools and Features