dotConnect for Oracle Documentation
In This Topic
    BLOB and CLOB Data
    In This Topic

    This article consists of the following sections:

    LOB basics

    LOB stands for Large OBject, a stream of data stored in a database. Maximum capacity of a LOB is 8 TB to 128 TB. In Oracle three kinds of LOB data type exist:

    1. BLOB datatype stores unstructured binary large objects. BLOB objects can be thought of as bitstreams with no character set semantics.
    2. The CLOB datatype stores single-byte and multibyte character data. Both fixed-width and variable-width character sets are supported, and both use the database character set.
    3. The NCLOB datatype stores Unicode data.
    dotConnect for Oracle supports all three datatypes.

    You can retrieve values of LOB fields using OracleDataReader as well as other types like LONG and LONG RAW. The difference with usage of LOB data type becomes evident when you need to access these fields in DML and PL/SQL statements. For BLOB and CLOB data types only LOB locators (pointers to data) are stored in table columns; actual BLOB and CLOB data is stored in separate tablespace. This is the difference to the way that data of LONG or LONG RAW types is stored in database - tables hold their immediate values.

    Another issue you should be aware of is temporary LOBs. This kind of object is not referenced by any table yet. It exists in current transaction only. You have to use temporary LOBs when inserting new data to a table. In dotConnect for Oracle, you can create temorary LOB using OracleLob constructors. Once you create an OracleLob instance corresponding temporary LOB appears on the server, and any data you insert into the object is sent immediately to server. An example of using temporary LOBs you will see later in the article.

    Working with BLOB data

    Binary data is generally represented as stream of bytes, or buffers. dotConnect for Oracle allows manipulating BLOB data in most convenient ways. You can work with OracleLob.Value property or use OracleLob.Read() and OracleLob.Write() methods to transfer data to and from server. Both ways are presented in the samples below. Note that when OracleLob.LobType property is OracleDbType.Blob the OracleLob.Value is treated as array of bytes (byte[]), whereas OracleDbType.Clob and OracleDbType.NClob represent OracleLob.Value as string.

    The next sample routines show how to upload a file from hard disk to server and download it back. To execute these routines you have to create a table that is described as follows:

    CREATE TABLE Pictures (
      ID NUMBER(12),
      PicName VARCHAR2(20),
      Picture BLOB
    static void UploadBlob(OracleConnection connection)
      // Open file on disk
      FileStream stream = new FileStream(@"D:\Tmp\test.bmp", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
      BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
        // Create temporary BLOB
        OracleLob lob = new OracleLob(connection,OracleDbType.Blob);
        int streamLength = (int)stream.Length;
        // Transfer data to server
        lob.Write(reader.ReadBytes(streamLength), 0, streamLength);
        // Perform INSERT
        OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(
          "INSERT INTO Pictures (ID, PicName, Picture) VALUES(1,'pict1',:Pictures)", connection);
        OracleParameter param = command.Parameters.Add("Pictures", OracleDbType.Blob);
        param.OracleValue = lob;
        Console.WriteLine(command.ExecuteNonQuery() + " rows affected.");
    static void DownloadBlob(OracleConnection connection)
      OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand("SELECT * FROM Pictures", connection);
      OracleDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.Default);
        while (reader.Read())
          // Obtain OracleLob directly from OracleDataReader
          OracleLob lob = reader.GetOracleLob("Picture");
          if (!lob.IsNull)
            string fileName = reader.GetString("PicName");
            // Create file on disk
            FileStream stream = new FileStream(@"D:\Tmp\" + fileName + ".bmp", FileMode.Create);
            // Use buffer to transfer data
            byte[] buffer = new byte[lob.Length];
            // Read data from database
            // Write data to file
            Console.WriteLine(fileName + " downloaded.");
    Public Sub UploadBlob(ByVal connection As OracleConnection)
      ' Open file on disk
      Dim stream As FileStream = New FileStream("D:\Tmp\test.bmp", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
      Dim reader As BinaryReader = New BinaryReader(stream)
        ' Create temporary BLOB
        Dim lob As OracleLob = New OracleLob(connection, OracleDbType.Blob)
        Dim streamLength As Int32 = stream.Length
        ' Transfer data to server
        lob.Write(reader.ReadBytes(streamLength), 0, streamLength)
        ' Perform INSERT
        Dim command As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand(
          "INSERT INTO Pictures (ID, PicName, Picture) VALUES(1,'pict1',:Pictures)", connection)
        Dim param As OracleParameter = command.Parameters.Add("Pictures", OracleDbType.Blob)
        param.OracleValue = lob
        Console.WriteLine(command.ExecuteNonQuery() & " rows affected.")
      End Try
    End Sub
    Public Sub DownloadBlob(ByVal connection As OracleConnection)
      Dim command As New OracleCommand("SELECT * FROM Pictures", connection)
      Dim reader As OracleDataReader = & _
        While reader.Read()
          Dim lob As OracleLob = reader.GetOracleLob("Picture")
          If Not lob.IsNull Then
            Dim fileName As String = reader.GetString("PicName")
            ' Create file on disk
            Dim stream As FileStream = New FileStream("D:\Tmp\" + fileName + ".bmp", FileMode.Create)
            ' Use buffer to transfer data
            Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(lob.Length - 1) {}
            ' Read data from database
            lob.Read(buffer, 0, CInt(lob.Length))
            ' Write data to file
            stream.Write(buffer, 0, CInt(lob.Length))
            Console.WriteLine(fileName & " downloaded.")
          End If
        End While
      End Try
    End Sub

    Working with CLOB data

    Working with CLOB data generally is same as working with BLOB data. The difference is in representation of Value property. For CLOB and NCLOB data types when you read from OracleLob.Value property, you get strings. The data is transparently decoded so you do not have to take care about its character set. If you need raw data however you can use streaming capabilities of OracleLob, that is OracleLob.Read and OracleLob.Write methods. Note that since OracleLob.Value is a read-only property, you can write data to LOB only with OracleLob.Write method, and no encoding is performed.

    For example consider this table definition.

    CREATE TABLE ClobTable (
      Id NUMBER,
      Name VARCHAR2(30),
      Value CLOB

    If you need to perform simple tasks like fetch record set in most cases you do not need to know about OracleLob. When calling OracleDataReader.GetValue on fetch you get array of bytes for BLOB column and string for CLOB one. In addition you can use OracleDataReader.GetChars, OracleDataReader.GetBytes to get pieces of LOB value.

    For example,

    OracleCommand oraCommand = new OracleCommand("SELECT * FROM ClobTable", oraConnection);
    OracleDataReader reader = oraCommand.ExecuteReader();
    while (reader.Read())
    Dim oraCommand As OracleCommand = new OracleCommand( _
        "SELECT * FROM ClobTable", oraConnection)
    Dim reader As OracleDataReader = oraCommand.ExecuteReader()
    while (reader.Read())
    end while

    You can do the same thing using OracleLob object directly.

    OracleCommand oraCommand = new OracleCommand("SELECT * FROM ClobTable", oraConnection);
    OracleDataReader reader = oraCommand.ExecuteReader();
    OracleLob clob;
    while (reader.Read()) {
      clob = reader.GetOracleLob("Value");
    Dim oraCommand As OracleCommand = new OracleCommand( _
        "SELECT * FROM ClobTable", oraConnection)
    Dim reader As OracleDataReader = oraCommand.ExecuteReader()
    Dim clob As OracleLob
    while (reader.Read())
      clob = reader.GetOracleLob("Value")
    end while

    As we see first code cut was shorter. So, usually, you need to access OracleLob directly in more complicated cases (e.g using temporary LOBs, advanced streaming operations).

    Inserting LOBs on Oracle server 8.0.5 and older

    Temporary LOBs are not supported in Oracle servers version 8.0.5 and older, so you have to create and initialize LOB locator for Value parameter. To initialize LOB locator you must use EMPTY_BLOB or EMPTY_CLOB Oracle function. To return initialized locator in the same statement use RETURNING clause.

    For example,

    UPDATE ClobTable
      Name = :Name,
      Value = EMPTY_CLOB()
      Id = :Id

    Here is the sample code:

    string sql = "UPDATE ClobTable SET Name = :Name, Value = EMPTY_CLOB() +
           WHERE Id = :Id RETURNING Value INTO :Value";
    OracleCommand oraCommand = new OracleCommand(sql, oraConnection);
    oraCommand.Parameters.Add("Id", 1);
    oraCommand.Parameters.Add("Name", "First");
    OracleParameter param = oraCommand.Parameters.Add("Value", OracleDbType.Clob);
    param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    Dim sql As string = "UPDATE ClobTable SET Name = :Name, Value = EMPTY_CLOB() & _ 
                        WHERE Id = :Id RETURNING Value INTO :Value"
    Dim oraCommand As OracleCommand = new OracleCommand(sql, oraConnection)
    oraCommand.Parameters.Add("Id", 1)
    oraCommand.Parameters.Add("Name", "First")
    Dim param As OracleParameter = oraCommand.Parameters.Add("Value", OracleDbType.Clob)
    param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

    dotConnect for Oracle writes LOB data to Oracle and then returns initialized Value field in :Value parameter. Stored procedures allow you to automate initialization process of LOB values as follows.

    PROCEDURE ClobTableUpdate (p_Id NUMBER, p_Name VARCHAR2,
                               p_Value OUT CLOB)
      UPDATE ClobTable
        Name = p_Name,
        Value = EMPTY_CLOB()
        Id = p_Id

    Having previous procedure declaration we may execute it as this:

    OracleCommand oraCommand = new OracleCommand("ClobTableUpdate", oraConnection);
    oraCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    oraCommand.Parameters["p_Id"].Value = id;
    oraCommand.Parameters["p_Name"].Value = name;
    Dim oraCommand As OracleCommand = new OracleCommand("ClobTableUpdate", oraConnection)
    oraCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
    oraCommand.Parameters("p_Id").Value = id
    oraCommand.Parameters("p_Name").Value = name

    It is important to use Direction property of OracleParameter in LOB operations. If Direction is ParameterDirection.Input OracleCommand writes data to a server, if Direction is ParameterDirection.Output it reads data.

    You can also use OracleDbType.Long and OracleDbType.LongRaw data types with LOB parameters to write ordinary DML statements. In this case Oracle automatically converts LONG and LONG RAW values to CLOB or BLOB data.

    See Also

    OracleLob Class  | Devart.Data.Oracle Namespace