Switches used in the Command line

This topic gives a detailed description of command-line switches and examples of their usage.

Access available Documenter switches

To access help regarding the available command line arguments, use the following command:

documenter.com /?

Command Line wizard

For more information on each command-line operation, run the following command and specify the required option value documenter /option_name /?. For example, documenter /document /?.


To run the Command Line in Windows 11:

From the Windows taskbar

  • Right-click the taskbar at the bottom of the screen and select Run. Alternatively, select Start or press Windows on the keyboard to open the Start menu.
  • In the Search bar, enter cmd or Command Prompt.
  • Select Command Prompt from the search results.

Using shortcut keys

  • Press Windows + R to open the Run command window.
  • In the window that opens, enter cmd and press Enter.

Command line usage

documenter.com /document [/switch1[:value | [parameter1:value parameter2:value ..]] /switch2 ..]

The first argument for documenter is usually an operation switch, which indicates the specific action you want to execute with the application.

Available command-line switches

Switch Usage and description
/argfile /argfile:<path>
Specifies a path to the command line arguments file. Options specified from the command line have higher priority than the options included in the file.
/activate /activate /key:<activation_key>
Activates the product using the activation key.
/deactivate Deactivates the product.
/document Generates database documentation.
/execute Executes a script.
/quiet (/q) Hides the console window in the console mode. It should be used after the main operation switch.

Switches details


Parameter Usage and description
/author /author:<expression>
Specifies the ‘author’ parameter for documentation. Overrides the ‘author’ field value specified in the documentation project file (.ddoc).
/breadcrumbs /breadcrumbs:<value>
Specifies the ‘breadcrumbs’ parameter value for documentation. To turn on the option, specify: Yes, Y, On, True, or T. To turn off the option, specify: No, N, Off, False, or F. The default value for the parameter is Y.
/connection /connection:<connection_string>
Specifies the connection string.
/copyright /copyright:<expression>
Specifies the ‘copyright’ parameter for documentation. Overrides the ‘copyright’ field value specified in the documentation project file (.ddoc).
/created /created:<expression>
Specifies the ‘created’ parameter for documentation. Overrides the ‘created’ field value specified in the documentation project file (.ddoc).
/database /database:<dbname1[,dbname2]>
Specifies databases for which the documentation project will be generated. The user can specify a single database or multiple databases separated by commas. If the user wants to select all the databases of the server, the ALLDATABASES parameter can be used (ex. /database:ALLDATABASES)
/docdescription /docdescription:<expression>
Specifies the ‘docdescription’ parameter for documentation. Overrides the ‘docdescription’ field value specified in the documentation project file (.ddoc).
/doclogo /doclogo:<path>
Specifies the ‘doclogo’ parameter for documentation. Overrides the ‘doclogo’ field value specified in the documentation project file (.ddoc).
/doctitle /doctitle:<expression>
Specifies the ‘doctitle’ parameter for documentation. Overrides the ‘doctitle’ field value specified in the documentation project file (.ddoc).
/documentformat /documentformat:<HTML|PDF|MARKDOWN>
Specifies the output documentation file format: HTML - a simple HTML file; PDF - a portable document format file; MARKDOWN - a document with a lightweight markup language. The default is HTML.
/errormode /errormode:<ignore|abort>
Specifies the application behavior when an error is encountered. Enter ‘ignore’ to ignore all errors or ‘abort’ to cancel execution if any error occurs.
/exitcodes Returns the list of possible exit codes that can be returned by the command-line process.
/output /output:<path>
Specifies an output file name for PDF documentation or folder name for HTML or Markdown documentation. (ex. “D:\mydoc").
/password /password:<pw>
Specifies the server password. Overrides the password specified in the connection string.
/path /path:<filepath>
Specifies the destination directory for documentation.
/permissions /permissions:<value>
Specifies the ‘permissions’ parameter value for documentation. To turn on the option, specify: Yes, Y, On, True, T. To turn off the option, specify: No, N, Off, False, F. The default value for the parameter is Y.
/projfile /projfile:<path>
Loads command line settings from the project file .ddoc (ex. “D:\mydoc.ddoc”)
/treatwarningaserror /treatWarningAsError:[Yes|No]
Yes: Treat all warnings as errors and further behavior is determined by the errormode option.
No: Do not consider all warnings as errors and execute with warning messages.


Parameter Usage and description
/connection /connection:<connection_string>
Specifies the connection string.
/database Specifies a database to execute a script to. Databases specified in the script will be ignored. Does not affect objects with fully qualified names.
/encoding /encoding:<codepage|encoding name>
Specifies the encoding that should be applied to open and execute the script.
/exitcodes Returns the list of possible exit codes that can be returned by the command-line process.
/inputfile Specifies a SQL or ZIP file with the script to execute.
/password Enters the server password. Overrides the password specified in the connection string.