Additional /dataexport Arguments

This topic gives detailed description of command line switches and examples of their usage.


To get more information on switches related to data export through the command-line interface, type:

"C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\" /dataexport /?


The path to the executable file will differ depending on how you have installed the Studio - as a standalone tool or as part of the dbForge Edge bundle. Make sure that you have specified a correct path. If you have installed the Studio as part of dbForge Edge, change the path accordingly:

C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Edge\dbForge Studio for Oracle>


Use this switch to specify a connection string. Command usage looks like:



Use this switch to specify the application behavior when an error is encountered. Command usage looks like:

/errormode:<ignore | abort>


Use this switch to specify a destination file, or a directory for multiple export. Command usage looks like:


Note The option is not available for the ODBC format.


Use this switch to specify a destination table name for SQL, ODBC, and Access formats. Command usage looks like:


Note You cannot use this option to export multiple tables at once.

During export to the server, the value of the option will be generated as the table’s name in INSERT queries.

For example:

INSERT INTO my_table (column1, column2, column3) VALUES (1, 2, 3)

When exporting to the SQL format, inserts will be generated to a file specified by the /singlefile parameter.


Use this switch to specify a server password in order to override the one specified in the connection string or force connecting with the specified password (when the connection string is hidden into the template file). Command usage looks like:



Use this switch to specify a range of exported rows. Command usage looks like:

/range all | <start:<startfrom> length:<count>

The possible values and parameters for the switch are the following:

  • all - type to export all rows
  • start:<startfrom> - type to specify the number of the row to start export from
  • length:<count> - type to specify the quantity of rows to export


Use this switch to specify all data be exported into a single file, even if there are several source tables. Available for SQL export only. Command usage looks like:



Use this switch to specify one or several source tables. Command usage looks like:

/table <tablename> [<tablename>] /singlefile[:true|:false]


Use this switch to specify a template file. Command usage looks like:


The entire command line used to export data may look as the following:

C:\Users\User>C:\Program Files\Devart\dbForge Studio for Oracle\" /dataexport /templatefile:"c:\Users\User\Documents\dbForge Studio for Oracle\Export\sample_template.det

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