You can select the required options while setting the comparison in the Schema Comparison wizard and generate a file with command line arguments by clicking Save settings to a command-line arguments file on the Options wizard page. Also, you can set comparison options by using the /option_name:[Y/N] switch in the Command Prompt. Specify either full or short names of the options.
By default, dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server generates a file with command line arguments and writes all comparison and synchronization options into it. Each option is written like the following: /option_name: [Y/N].
You can edit the file to turn on/off the required options. To turn on comparison and synchronization options, edit their values to “Yes”, “Y”, “True”, “T”, or “On”. To turn off the options, change their values to “No”, “N”, “False”, “F”, or “Off”.
Each option has a full and short name. You can type either name of a required option into the Command Prompt instead of editing the file.
With Schema Compare, it is possible to set project configuration options by using the Options switch.
You can use this switch as many times as many options you want to specify.
Below, you will find the list of comparison and synchronization options with their full and short command line names.
Full Name | Short Name | Option |
AddBackupType | addbt | Create a differential database backup |
AddingErrorHandling | adderrorhandle | Add error handling statements |
AddTransactionIsolationLevel | addtransiso | Set transaction isolation level |
AddWithEncryption | addwithencr | Add WITH ENCRYPTION |
AddWithNocheck | addnocheck | Add constraints and keys to tables using WITH NOCHECK |
AppendTimestampReport | tsreport | When selected, the folder name for the comparison report will be generated with a timestamp |
BackupExtension | extbackup | Specify the extension for the backup file |
BackupPath | backup | Specify the location of the backup file |
CompareDatabaseProperties | cdbp | Compare database properties |
CommentDdlForKeysCertificates | commentkeys | Comment DDL statements for signatures, certificates, asymmetric and symmetric keys |
CheckObjectExistence | cexist | Check for object existence |
CreateBackupFolder | cbackupfolder | Create folder for database backup |
DecryptEncryptedObjects | decrypt | Decrypt encrypted objects |
DeployDatabaseInSingleUserMode | depsingl | Synchronize database in the single user mode |
DisableDdlTriggers | noddl | Disable DDL triggers during synchronization |
DisableDependencyAnalysis | disdep | Disable database dependencies analysis |
DropCreateOnlyAssemblies | dropcreateonlya | Use DROP and CREATE instead of ALTER for assemblies |
DropCreateOnly | dropcreateonly | Use DROP and CREATE instead of ALTER |
DropCreateOnlyTables | dropcreateonlyt | Use DROP and CREATE instead of ALTER for tables |
ExecuteAsSingleTransaction | tran | Execute a synchronization script as a single transaction |
ExcludeComments | nocomments | Exclude comments |
ExcludeDependencies | edep | Exclude dependencies |
ForceColumnOrder | force | Force column order |
IgnoreAuthorization | iauth | Ignore authorization on schema objects |
IgnoreBoundRulesDefaults | iboundruldef | Ignore bound rules and defaults |
IgnoreCase | icase | Ignore case |
IgnoreChangeTracking | itracking | Ignore CHANGE_TRACKING clauses and statements |
IgnoreCheckConstraints | icheck | Ignore check constraints |
IgnoreClrDataTypesInColumn | icdtc | Ignore CLR datatypes in columns |
IgnoreCollations | icollate | Ignore collations |
IgnoreComments | icomment | Ignore comments |
IgnoreConstraintsNames | icnames | Ignore constraints’ names |
IgnoreConstraintSystemNames | icsn | Ignore constraints’ system names |
IgnoreDatabaseExtendedProperties | idbprop | Ignore database extended properties |
IgnoreDatabaseInSynonyms | idbsyn | Ignore database and sever names in synonyms |
IgnoreDatabaseObjectExtendedProperties | iobjprop | Ignore database object extended properties |
IgnoreDataCompression | idatacompression | Ignore DATA COMPRESSION |
IgnoreDataTypesInColumn | idtc | Ignore data types in column |
IgnoreDDLTriggerState | iddltstate | Ignore state of DDL triggers |
IgnoreDefaultCollations | idefcollate | Ignore default column collations |
IgnoreDefaultConstraints | idefault | Ignore default constraints |
IgnoreDMLTriggerState | idmltstate | Ignore state of DML triggers |
IgnoreDropDMLTriggers | idropt | Ignore DML and INSTEAD OF triggers present only in Target |
IgnoreDropIndexes | idropi | Ignore indexes present only in Target |
IgnoreEventNotificationOnQueues | ievent | Ignore event notification on queues |
IgnoreFilegroupsPartitionSchemes | istorage | Ignore filegroups and partitioned schemas/functions |
IgnoreForeignKeyActions | ifkacts | Ignore foreign keys actions ON UPDATE and ON DELETE |
IgnoreForeignKeys | ifk | Ignore foreign keys |
IgnoreFullTextCatalogPath | iftpath | Ignore full-text catalog path |
IgnoreFullTextSearch | isearch | Ignore full-text search |
IgnoreIdentity | iidentity | Ignore identity on columns |
IgnoreIdentitySeedIncrementValues | iseed | Ignore identity seed and increment values |
IgnoreIndexColumnsSortOrder | iicso | Ignore sort direction (ASC/DESC) for index columns |
IgnoreIndexes | iindex | Ignore indexes |
IgnoreIndexesNames | iinames | Ignore indexes names |
IgnoreIndexPageAndRowLock | iprlock | Ignore PAGE LOCKS and ROW LOCKS for indexes and constraints |
IgnoreInsteadOfTriggers | iiotrig | Ignore INSTEAD OF triggers |
IgnoreKeywordReduction | ired | Ignore keyword reduction |
IgnoreLockEscalation | ils | Ignore LOCK_ESCALATION |
IgnoreLogins | ilogin | Ignore logins, certificates, asymmetric keys for users |
IgnoreNextFilegroups | inextfg | Ignore next filegroups |
IgnoreNocheck | inocheck | Ignore NOCHECK |
IgnoreNotForReplication | ireplication | Ignore NOT FOR REPLICATION |
IgnoreNotNullConstraints | inotnull | Ignore NOT NULL for a column |
IgnoreObjectNamesInDefinitions | ion | Ignore object names in definintions |
IgnorePadIndexAndFillfactor | ipiff | Ignore PAD INDEX and FILLFACTOR for indexes and constraints |
IgnoreParserErrors | iparsererrors | Ignore parser errors |
IgnorePermissions | iperm | Ignore permissions |
IgnorePrimaryKeys | ipk | Ignore primary keys |
IgnoreQuotedIdentifierAndANSINulls | iquotansi | Ignore QUOTED IDENTIFIERS and ANSI NULLS |
IgnoreReplicatedProcedures | irproc | Ignore replication procedures |
IgnoreReplicatedRoles | irrole | Ignore replication roles |
IgnoreReplicatedSchemas | irschem | Ignore replication schemas |
IgnoreReplicatedTables | irept | Ignore replicated tables |
IgnoreReplicationTriggers | irtrig | Ignore replication triggers |
IgnoreSemicolons | isc | Ignore semicolons |
IgnoreSequenceMax | iseqmax | Ignore sequence max value |
IgnoreSequenceMin | iseqmin | Ignore sequence min value |
IgnoreSequencesCache | iseqcache | Ignore CACHE in sequences during comparison and synchronization |
IgnoreSequencesCycle | iseqcycle | Ignore CYCLE in sequences during comparison and synchronization |
IgnoreSequencesIncrementBy | iseqinc | Ignores INCREMENT BY in sequences during comparison and synchronization |
IgnoreSequencesInitials | iseqst | Ignore START WITH in sequences during comparison and synchronization |
IgnoreSequencesMinValue | iseqmv | Ignore MIN VALUE in sequences during comparison and synchronization |
IgnoreSequenceStart | iseqstart | Ignore sequence start value |
IgnoreSignatures | isign | Ignore signatures |
IgnoreStatistics | istat | Ignore statistics |
IgnoreStatisticsNorecompute | isnr | Ignore STATISTICS, NORECOMPUTE for indexes and constraints |
IgnoreTableDMLTriggers | itdmltrig | Ignore table DML triggers |
IgnoreTemporalHistoryTableName | ihistoryname | Ignore history tables names |
IgnoreTriggerFireOrder | ifire | Ignore firing order for DDL and DML triggers |
IgnoreTSQLtFramework | itsqlt | Ignore tSQLt framework and unit tests |
IgnoreUniqueKeys | iuk | Ignore unique keys |
IgnoreUserDefaultLanguage | iudeflang | Ignore user DEFAULT_LANGUAGE |
IgnoreUserDefaultSchema | iuds | Ignore user DEFAULT SCHEMA |
IgnoreUserPermissions | iuperm | Ignore users’ permissions |
IgnoreWhiteSpace | ispaces | Ignore white spaces (newlines, tabs, spaces, etc.) during comparison and synchronization |
IgnoreWithEncryption | iwenc | Ignore WITH ENCRYPTION |
IgnoreWithNocheck | iwnocheck | Ignore WITH NOCHECK state on constraints |
IgnoreWithOptionOrder | iwith | Ignore WITH option order |
IncludeComparisonSettings | incsettings | Includes identical objects into your report |
IncludeIdenticalObjects | incident | Includes comparison options into your report. This option is available only for HTML reports |
IncludePrintComments | iprint | Include print comments in the deployment script |
IncludeSyncScript | incscript | Includes synchronization script into your report |
IncludeSyncWarnings | incwarn | Includes synchronization warnings into your report |
IncludeUseDatabase | inud | Include USE |
MappingIgnoreCase | micase | Ignore cases in object names druing mapping and comparing |
MappingIgnoreSpaces | mispace | Ignore spaces in object names druing mapping and comparing |
MappingSimilar | msim | Associate column names having similar name options |
NeedCompressBackup | comprbackup | Perform backup compression |
PopulateFullTextIndexes | populate | Populate full-text indexes |
QuoteObjectNames | quote | Quote object names with square brackets |
RefreshViews | rview | Exclude dependencies from a synchronization script |
ScriptDiffsStyle | scriptstyle | Specify the style of displaying script differences in the comparison report: removeadd - highlight removed and added lines; cross - apply strikethrough to the removed symbols and highlight the added symbols. Usage: /ScriptDiffsStyle:<removeadd|cross> |
SelectedObjectsOnly | selobjonly | Includes objects selected for synchronization into your report |
SynchronizeAsmViaFiles | asmviafiles | Synchronize assemblies via files |
UserDataTypesToSystem | udttosys | Convert user data types into SQL Server system data types |
UseSchemaNamePrefix | fullnames | Names of objects include schema name |
UseSchemaTransfer | ust | Use ALTER SCHEMA TRANSFER expression to transfer tables between schemas |
VerifyTableData | verify | Verify table data using checksum |
Below, you will find the list of comparison report options with their full and short command line names.
Full Name | Short Name | Option |
AppendTimestampReport | tsreport | Generate comparison reports with a timestamp |
ReportFormat | reportformat | Usage: /reportformat:<HTML|XLS|XML|XMLFOREXCEL> Specify the comparison report file format: HTML : A simple HTML file XLS : A simple Microsoft Excel file XML : A simple XML file XMLFOREXCEL : A simple XML file for XML Spreadsheet 2003 When a format is not explicitly specified, it is automatically determined based on the file extension of the report |
ScriptDiffsStyle | scriptstyle | Usage: /ScriptDiffsStyle:<removeadd|cross> Specify the style of displaying script differences in the comparison report: removeadd : Highlight removed and added lines cross : Apply strikethrough to removed symbols and highlight added symbols |
/schemacompare /compfile:"D:\workDir\SC1vsSC2.scomp"
/schemacompare /source server:SqlServer1 user:sa password:sa database:db1 /target server:SqlServer2 user:sa password:sa database:db2 /sync /log:"D:\sync.log"
/schemacompare /source server:SqlServer1 user:sa password:sa database:db1 /target server:SqlServer2 user:sa password:sa database:db2 /sync:"D:\compare_result.sql"
/schemacompare /compfile:"SC1vsSC2.scomp" /icase:yes /IgnoreForeignKeys:yes /report:"report.txt" /reportformat:HTML /groupby:objecttype /incsettings:T /sync