Type mapping rules from this table are used when PostgreSQL table columns are mapped to the entity properties of LinqConnect model.
PostgreSQL data type | CLR data type |
bool | System.Boolean |
int2, smallint | System.Int16 |
int2vector | System.Int16[] |
int, integer, int4, oid, oidvector | System.Int32 |
oidvector | System.Int32[] |
big, int8, bigserial | System.Int64 |
real, single, float4 | System.Single |
double precision, double, float, float8, money | System.Double |
numeric | System.Decimal |
date, timestamp, timestamptz, timestamp with time zone | System.DateTime |
time, interval, timetz, time with time zone | System.TimeSpan |
box, character, char, character varying, varchar, cid, cidr, circle, inet, json, jsonb, line, lseg, macaddr, path, point, polygon, text, bit, bit varying, varbit, xid, name, tid, cursor, abstime | System.String |
bytea | System.Byte[] |
bit, varbit | System.Collections.BitArray |