Uninstalling dbForge Fusion for Oracle

This topic describes how to uninstall dbForge Fusion for Oracle from Windows OS.

To uninstall db Forge Fusion for Oracle:

  1. To begin the uninstall, go to Control Panel and then Programs and Features.
  2. Right click dbForge Fusion for Oracle and select Uninstall.
  3. The Uninstall dialog box appears. Click Yes, if you are sure you want to uninstall the application. This starts the dbForge Fusion for Oracle Uninstaller.
  4. Optionally, on the Uninstall options page, you can specify the following options for uninstaller and then click Uninstall.

Settings to remove:

  • Registry options - select this option to remove registry options
  • Connection list - select this option to remove connection list.
  • Snippets - select this option to remove snippets.
  • Configuration files - select this option to remove tabs.
  • Format profiles - select this options to remove format profiles.
  • Projects, scripts and exported data - select this option to remove projects, scripts and exported data.
    1. Go to the product feedback page after uninstall - select this option to leave a feedback about application.
    2. Click Uninstall to proceed with the uninstall.
    3. If the uninstall is successful, the dialog box confirming that the application was successfully removed appears. Click OK to exit the uninstaller.