How to install dbForge Edge using installation wizard

dbForge Edge can be installed using the installation wizard, the command line, or via PowerShell. To learn more about command-line installation, please refer to Installation from the command line.

To install dbForge Edge:

1. Download the dbForge Edge installer.

2. Run dbforgeedge.exe to begin installation.

3. On the Welcome to dbForge Edge page of the installation wizard, click Install.

Install dbForge Edge

3. On the Select Destination page, select the directory to install dbForge Edge to. To change the default directory, click Browse.

Optional: Click License Terms to open the end-user agreement. If you agree to the terms outlined in the Devart dbForge Edge License Agreement, proceed by clicking Next.

Install dbForge Edge - Select destination

4. On the Select Products page, select whether you want to run a full installation or a custom one. For this, click the dropdown menu and select the desired option. Then, select the components you want to install. Finally, click Install.


dbForge Edge offers four fully-featured IDEs: dbForge Studio for SQL Server, dbForge Studio for MySQL, dbForge Studio for Oracle, and dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL. Simply select the checkbox for the IDE(s) you wish to install. You have the flexibility to install just one, two, three, or all four of them.

Install dbForge Edge - Select products

5. On the final page of the installation wizard, click Finish.

Install dbForge Edge - Final page

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