Installation from the command line

dbForge Edge can be installed from the command line with or without interaction with the end user.

Call the installation wizard from the command line

If you run the installer file from the command line, the standard installation wizard will be displayed, where you can select the installation configurations. For this, open Command Prompt and navigate to the installation file. For example:



To run the Command Line in Windows 11:

Use the Start Menu

  • Click Start and type cmd in the search field.
  • Select Command Prompt.

Use Windows + R Shortcut Keys

  • In the desktop mode, press the Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog.
  • Type cmd and then click OK or press Enter.

Unattended installation

The tool can also be installed without interaction with the end user. Here, two modes can be used:

  • Silent: The user can see that the installation has started, and the installation progress window is displayed.
  • Very silent: The installation is running in the background.


  • To view information on all dbForge installer parameters, you need to run the dbforgesql.exe setup file with the /help or /? commands in the Command Prompt.

  • Parameter values with spaces require quotation marks around them.

Silent mode

To install the tool in the Silent mode, you need to run the installation file from the command line and use the /silent command:

dbforgeedge.exe /silent

Under the Silent installation mode, the installation wizard does not appear, and the application is installed automatically. Only the installation progress window is displayed.

Very silent mode

To install the tool in the very silent mode, you need to run the installation file from the command line and use the /verysilent command:

dbforgeedge.exe /verysilent

The installation in both modes - silent and very silent - is performed with the default settings predefined by the vendor.


When updating a dbForge tool from the command line in silent or very silent mode, the settings configured by the user during the installation will be used, rather than the default settings.

Installation via PowerShell

To install the tool via PowerShell, use the following command:

Start-Process -FilePath $installerPath -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait
  • $installerPath is a variable containing the path to the installer file

  • $arguments is a variable containing command line arguments for installing in silent mode

  • Start-Process is the PowerShell command to start a process that includes the installer path and command line arguments

  • Wait is the command to wait for the installation to complete

Optionally, you can include the /verysilent parameter to perform the installation without displaying any messages and without any user’s intervention.

For example, the PowerShell command could look like this:

Start-Process -FilePath "D:\dbforgeedge.exe" -ArgumentList "/verysilent" -Wait

Custom installation

If you want to apply custom installation settings, you need to prepare the installation script and save it to the .inf file by running the /saveinf command:

dbforgeedge.exe /saveinf="dbForge Edge.inf"

The Setup wizard will walk you through the configuration steps, and the settings you’ve adjusted will be saved in a script.

After that, you can launch the installation with custom settings by running the dbforgeedge.exe file with the /loadinf command:

dbforgeedge.exe /loadinf="dbForge Edge.inf"

File with custom installation settings

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