| Class | Description |
 | InvalidCharsetException | The exception that occurs when the client character set differs from the server character set. |
 | MemCryptStorage | This class represents an in-memory storage for keys and certificates for establishing a protected SSL or SSH connection. It allows you to upload certificates and keys into memory once when the application starts and don't load certificate and key from some external sources (for example, files) each time when a connection is opened. |
 | MySqlAuthenticationPrompEventArgs | Provides data for the MySqlConnection.AuthenticationPrompt event. |
 | MySqlBlob | Represents a variable-length stream of binary data to be stored in or retrieved from a database. |
 | MySqlCommand | Represents a SQL statement or stored procedure to execute against MySQL. |
 | MySqlCommandBuilder | Automatically generates single-table commands used to reconcile changes made to a System.Data.DataSet with the MySQL. |
 | MySqlConnection | Represents an open connection to MySQL. |
 | MySqlConnectionStringBuilder | Generates automatically connection strings used to connect to MySQL. |
 | MySqlDataAdapter | Represents a set of data commands and a data source connection that are used to fill the System.Data.DataSet and update a MySQL data. |
 | MySqlDataReader | Reads a forward-only stream of rows from MySQL. |
 | MySqlDataSet | Represents an in-memory cache of data with support for MySQL-specific features. |
 | MySqlDataSourceEnumerator | Provides a mechanism for enumerating all known MySQL servers. |
 | MySqlDataTable | Represents a single object that provides all of the functionality needed to retrieve and manipulate data from a MySQL data source. |
 | MySqlDbProviderException | The exception that is thrown when dotConnect for MySQL provider returns a provider (non-database) error. |
 | MySqlDependency | Tracks changes on the server. |
 | MySqlDump | Serves to store a database or its parts as a script and to restore database from the generated script. |
 | MySqlDumpProgressEventArgs | Provides data for the MySqlDump.Progress event. |
 | MySqlErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the MySqlConnection.Error event. |
 | MySqlException | The exception that is generated when MySQL returns an error. |
 | MySqlGuid | Represents a guid data to be stored in or retrieved from a database. |
 | MySqlHelper | This class is designed for compartibility with connectorNet only. |
 | MySqlHttpOptions | Represents connection options for HTTP tunneling. |
 | MySqlInfoMessageEventArgs | Provides data for the MySqlConnection.InfoMessage event. |
 | MySqlLoader | Serves to load external data into MySQL. |
 | MySqlLoaderColumn | Represents the attributes for column loading. |
 | MySqlLoaderColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns relevant to a MySqlLoader. |
 | MySqlLoaderOptions | Specifies how MySQlLoader will generate LOAD DATA statement. |
 | MySqlMetaDataCollectionNames | Enumerates collection names you can use for metadata retrieval purposes. |
 | MySqlMonitor | Monitors dynamic SQL execution in applications that use dotConnect for MySQL. |
 | MySqlParameter | Represents a parameter to a MySqlCommand, and optionally, its mapping to System.Data.DataSet columns. |
 | MySqlParameterCollection | Collects all parameters relevant to a MySqlCommand as well as their respective mappings to System.Data.DataSet columns. |
 | MySqlProviderFactory | Represents a factory required to create inheritors of generic base classes to use with dotConnect for MySQL. |
 | MySqlRowUpdatedEventArgs | Provides data for the MySqlDataAdapter.RowUpdated event. |
 | MySqlRowUpdatingEventArgs | Provides data for the MySqlDataAdapter.RowUpdating event. This class cannot be inherited. |
 | MySqlSchemaTableColumn | Describes specific MySQL column metadata of the schema for a database table. |
 | MySqlScript | Serves to execute series of SQL statements separated by special symbols. |
 | MySqlSelectLimit | Represents MySQL LIMIT clause. Represents MySQL LIMIT clause. |
 | MySqlSelectStatement | Represents MySQL SELECT statement. |
 | MySqlStatementExecuteEventArgs | Provides data for the MySqlScript.MySqlStatementExecute event of the MySqlScript class. |
 | MySqlTableChangeEventArgs | Provides data for the MySqlDependency.OnChange event of the MySqlDependency class. |
 | MySqlText | Represents a variable-length stream of characters to be stored in or retrieved from the database. |
 | MySqlTransaction | Represents a SQL transaction to be made in the MySQL database. |
 | OnCheckEventArgs | Provides data for the MySqlDependency.OnCheck event of the MySqlDependency class. |
 | OnErrorEventArgs | |
 | ProductInfo | This class contains product information. |
 | SshOptions | Represents information required to establish a SSH connection. |
 | SslOptions | Represents information required to establish a SSL connection. |