Options used in the command line
Last modified: February 7, 2025
You can select the required options while setting the comparison in the Data Comparison wizard and generate a file with command line arguments by clicking Save settings to a command-line arguments file on the Options wizard page. Also, you can set comparison options by using the /option_name:[Y/N] switch in the Command Prompt. Specify either full or short names of the options. Here is the list of their names.
By default, dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server generates a file with command line arguments and writes all comparison and synchronization options into it. Each option is written like the following: /option_name: [Y/N]
You can edit the file to turn on/off the required options. To turn on comparison and synchronization options, edit their values to “Yes”, “Y”, “True”, “T”, or “On”. To turn off the options, change their values to “No”, “N”, “False”, “F”, or “Off”.
Each option has a full and short name. You can type either name of a required option into the Command Prompt instead of editing the file.
With Data Compare, it is possible to set project configuration options by using the Options switch.
You can use this switch as many times as many options you want to specify.
Comparison and synchronization options list
Below, you will find the list of comparison and synchronization options with their full and short command line names.
Full Name | Short Name | Option |
AddBackupType | addbt | Create a differential database backup |
AddingErrorHandling | adderrorhandle | Handle errors when performing comparison and synchronization |
AddTransactionIsolationLevel | addtransiso | Specify transaction isolation level |
AppendTimestampReport | tsreport | When selected, the folder name for the comparison report will be generated with timestamp |
BackupPath | backup | Specify the location of the backup file |
BackupExtension | extbackup | Specify the extension for the backup file |
BulkInsert | bi | Use bulk insert for data insertion |
CheckConcurrencyUpdates | concupd | Check for the concurrecncy updates |
CheckDifferent | chkdiff | Include different records into comparison results |
CheckIdentical | chkequal | Include identical records into comparison results |
CheckOnlyInSource | chksource | Include only in source records into comparison results |
CheckOnlyInTarget | chktarget | Include only in target records into comparison results |
CompareClrTypesAsBinary | clrasbin | Compare and synchornize CLR types as binary, otherwise as string |
CompareColumnStoreTables | colstore | Compare tables with COLUMNSTORE indexes |
CompareMemoryOptimizedTables | moptimize | Compare memory optimized tables |
CompareTables | tables | Include tables into comparison |
CompareViews | views | Include views into comparison |
CreateBackupFolder | cbackupfolder | Create folder for database backup |
IncludeDifferencesPerColumns | incdiffcols | When selected, the number of differences per column will be displayed |
DisableDdlTriggers | noddl | Disable DDL triggers in the beginning of synchronization |
DisableDmlTriggers | nodml | Disable DML triggers in the beginning of synchronization |
DisableForeignKeys | nofk | Disable foreign keys in the beginning of synchronization |
DisableSecurityPolicy | dissecpol | Disable security policies before synchronization and enable after that |
DropCheckConstraints | dropcheck | Drop check and not null constraints in the beginning of synchronization |
DropKeys | dropkeys | Disable primary keys, indexes and unique constraints |
ExcludeComments | nocomments | Prevent comments generation in a synchronization script |
ExcludeNewAddedObjects | excnewaddedobj | Compare only those tables and views that are explicitly included in the saved project (*.dcomp) |
ExcludeObjectsByMask | meobjmask | Exclude tables or views by mask |
ExecuteAsSingleTransaction | tran | Execute a synchronization script as a single transaction |
IncludeOnlyColumnsWithChanges | inccolswchanges | When selected, columns containing no differences will be hidden |
IgnoreBlobColumns | miblob | Ignore blob columns during comparison |
IgnoreCase | icase | Ignore case in symbols for non-key columns |
IgnoreColumnsByMask | micolmask | Specify a custom wildcard expression for columns names to exclude columns from comparison |
IgnoreComputedColumns | micomput | Ignore computed columns |
IgnoreEndOfLine | ieol | Ignore end of line characters during comparison and synchronization |
IgnoreIdentityColumns | miident | Ignore identity columns during comparison |
IgnoreLeadingSpaces | ilspaces | Ignore leading spaces |
IgnoreRowguidColumns | mirowguid | Ignore ROWGUID columns during comparison |
IgnoreTemporalTableSysColumns | isyscol | Ignore coumn is SYSTEM_TIME for temporal tables |
IgnoreTimestampColumns | mitime | Ignore TIMESTAMP columns during comparison |
IgnoreTrailingSpaces | ispaces | Ignore whitespaces in the end of strings during comparison and synchronization |
IncludeComparisonSettings | incsettings | When selected, the comparison report will include the comparison and synchronization settings |
IncludeDifferencesPerColumns | incdiffcols | Include differences per columns |
IncludeIdenticalObjects | incident | Include identical objects |
IncludeObjectsByMask | miobjmask | Include tables or views by mask |
IncludeObjectsData | incdata | Include objects data |
IncludeOnlyColumnsWithChanges | inccolswchanges | Include only columns with changes |
IncludePrintComments | iprint | Include print comments into output while executing the script |
IncludeUseDatabase | inud | Add USE <database_name> clause to the script |
IncludeSyncWarnings | incwarn | When selected, the comparison report will include the comparison or synchronization warnings, if there are any |
IsEmptyStringEqualsNull | emptyeqnull | Treat NULL and EMPTY STRING as the same value |
IsIgnoreTime | itime | Ignore time for fileds of the DATETIME type and compare only dates |
MappingIgnoreCase | micase | Ignore case in object names when mapping them |
MappingIgnoreSpaces | mispace | Ignore spaces in object names when mapping them |
MappingIgnoreUnderscores | miunder | Ignore underscore in object names when mapping them |
NeedCompressBackup | comprbackup | Perform backup compression |
ReseedIdentityColumns | reseed | Reseed a current value for identity columns |
RestoreConstraintsWithCheck | checkconstrrestore | Restore constraints with CHECK |
RoundFloatTypes | round | Round float types up to 3 digits |
ToleranceInterval | tol | Specify the module of difference between the values of source and target |
UseSchemaNamePrefix | fullnames | Generate fully qualified object names |
Comparison report options list
Below, you will find the list of comparison report options with their full and short command line names.
Full Name | Short Name | Option |
AppendTimestampReport | tsreport | Generate comparison reports with a timestamp |
DifferentPerColumns | diffpercolumns | Display the number of differences per column |
HideUnmodifiedColumns | hidecolumns | Hide the columns containing no differences |
IncludeSyncWarnings | incwarnings | Include the comparison or synchronization warnings in the comparison report, if any |
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