Edit Commands

The Edit menu contains the following commands:


Undoes changes.


Redoes changes.


Cuts selected text to clipboard.


Copies selected text to clipboard.


Pastes text from clipboard.


Deletes the selection.

Select All

Selects all text.

Go to

Allows going to a certain line of text.

Find & Replace

This sub-menu groups commands for searching and replacing text:


Calls the Find and Replace dialog for searching text in open comparison documents.


Calls the Find and Replace dialog for searching and replacing text in open comparison documents.

Find in Files

Calls the Find and Replace dialog for searching text in the selected files.

Replace in Files

Calls the Find and Replace dialog for searching and replacing text in the selected files.


This sub-menu includes advanced text manipulation commands:

Make Uppercase

Makes the selected text uppercase.

Make Lowercase

Makes the selected text lowercase.

View White Space

Enables the view white space mode to display spaces and tab characters.

Word Wrap

Automatically displays any part of a line that extends horizontally beyond the viewable editor area on the next line.

Show Line Numbers

Displays line numbers to the left of the comparison panes.

Comment Selection

Inserts comment delimiters in the beginning of every line within the selected block of code.

Uncomment Selection

Removes comment delimiters in the beginning of every line within the selected block of code.

Incremental Search

Starts incremental search that allows you to search document text incrementally by entering a search string character by character, then observing the matches found as the search string lengthens.

Increase Line Indent

Increases indent of the selected line.

Decrease Line Indent

Decreases indent of the selected line.


This sub-menu includes the following commands for bookmark management:

Toggle Bookmark

Inserts a bookmark.

Previous Bookmark

Goes to the previous bookmark.

Next Bookmark

Goes to the next bookmark.

Clear Bookmarks

Removes all bookmarks from the currently selected file.


This sub-menu includes the following commands for outlining management:

Toggle Outline Expansion

Expands or collapses the block of code containing the cursor in its first line.

Toggle All Outlining

Expands or collapses all code outlining in the selected pane.

Stop Outlining

Removes all code outlining for the entire pane.

Start Automatic Outlining

Enables automatic code outlining for the entire pane.

Commands of this menu are partly duplicated in the Text toolbar.