Comparison Commands

Content of the Comparison menu depends on whether you compare files or folders.

Comparison Menu Commands

The Comparison menu contains the following commands for file comparison:


Refreshes the comparison window.

Swap Left with Right

Swaps the left and right panes.

Swap Left with Center

Swaps the left and center panes.

Swap Right with Center

Swaps the right and center panes.

Ignore White Space

This option allows you to ignore differences in whitespaces.

Ignore Comments

This option skips comments in compared files.

Ignore Line Breaks

This option allows you to ignore differences in line breaks.

Ignore Case

This option allows you to ignore character case in words.


Allows to select language for the displayed code. You can choose C#, C++, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Pascal, PHP, SQL, Text, Visual Basic, XML.

Structural Code Comparison

Enables structural code comparison.

Compare Text

This sub-menu allows you to select code comparison mode.

Line by line

This option enables line by line comparison.

Symbol by Symbol

This option enables symbol by symbol comparison of lexemes.

Word by Word

This option enables word by word comparison of lexemes.

Synchronize Scrollbars

Allows making work of pane scrollbars synchronous.

The Comparison menu contains the following commands for folder comparison:


Refreshes the comparison window.

Swap Left with Right

Swaps left and right panes.

Expand All

Displays all files within all folders.

Collapse All

Collapses all folders.


This sub-menu allows you to select the information to be displayed about files and folders besides their names.


This option cannot be disabled.


Displays file size.

Modified Date

Displays file and folder modification dates. If this option is enabled, the modification date of a newer file revision is displayed in red.

File Comparison Pane Popup Menu

To call this menu, right-click in the file comparison pane.

Go to Definition

Places the cursor to the method or variable definition.


Cuts selected text to clipboard.


Copies selected text to clipboard.


Pastes text from clipboard.


This sub-menu includes the following commands for outlining management:

Toggle Outline Expansion

Expands or collapses the block of code containing the cursor in its first line.

Toggle All Outlining

Expands or collapses all code outlining in the selected pane.

Stop Outlining

Removes all code outlining for the entire pane.

Start Automatic Outlining

Enables automatic code outlining for the entire pane.


This sub-menu includes the following commands for bookmark management:

Toggle Bookmark

Inserts a bookmark.

Previous Bookmark

Goes to the previous bookmark.

Next Bookmark

Goes to the next bookmark.

Clear Bookmarks

Removes all bookmarks from the currently selected file.

Folder Comparison Pane Popup Menu

To call this menu, right-click in the folder comparison pane.


This sub-menu contains all commands of the Windows Explorer popup menu.

Launch Code Comparison

Starts code comparison for the selected file.

Copy to Right/Left

Copies the selection to the target pane.

Copy Selected to Specified Folder

Copies the selection to a specified folder.

Mirror Left in Right/Right in Left

This option replaces the target folder content with the source folder content.

Select Added

Selects all added files.

Select Removed

Selects all removed files.

Select Modified

Selects all modified files.

Invert Selection

This option changes the current selection to the opposite, so that everything that was previously selected will now be deselected and vice versa.

Select All

Selects all files in the active pane.

Copy Full Path

Copies the full path to the file to clipboard.

Open in Explorer

Opens the folder containing the selected file or folder in Windows Explorer.


Allows you to rename the selected file or folder.


Deletes the selected file or folder

Create Folder

Creates a new folder.


Refreshes the pane.


Calls the Options dialog box designed for customizing the default environment, text editor and comparison options.