Data Editor keyboard shortcuts

Use the following keyboard shortcuts when working with data in the Data Editor or data view of a SQL document in dbForge Transaction Log.

Command Name Shortcut Keys Action
AutoSearchMode CTRL+I Activate the auto-search mode
CopyWithHeader CTRL+SHIFT+C Copy data with the column header
DeleteRow CTRL+DELETE Delete the currently selected row in the data grid
FilterEqual CTRL+Q Quick filtering by equal value
NewRow INSERT Insert a new record into the grid
RefreshData F5 Refresh the data view
RefreshData CTRL+R Refresh the data view
SelectColumn CTRL+SPACE Select the entire column in the grid
SelectRow SHIFT+SPACE Select the entire row in the grid
SetToNull CTRL+0 Insert a NULL value into the current cell
SetToNull CTRL+NUMPAD 0 Insert a NULL value into the current cell
ShowDataViewer CTRL+W, R Open the Data Viewer

The default keyboard mapping scheme for the keyboard shortcuts above is Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. You can change it on the Tools menu > Options > Environment > Keyboard > Apply the following additional keyboard mapping scheme. Whenever you change the scheme, the keyboard shortcuts will be changed accordingly.