T-SQL Code Analyzer has a default code analysis profile containing all the code analysis rules provided by dbForge Studio. You can also create custom profiles for your specific needs.
To create a custom code analysis profile, navigate Tools > Options > Code Analysis > Profiles.
Then click Create New. In the dialog that opens, provide a name for the new profile, select the profile to copy the settings from, and specify the file path to store the XML file with the profile settings. Additionally, if you want to make this profile active, keep the Set Active checkbox selected. Click OK to create a new profile.
The new profile will appear in the list of profiles.
To change the settings of the code analysis profile, navigate Tools > Options > Code Analysis > Profiles. Then select the profile you want to modify and click Open Selected. In the dialog that opens, you can select the code analysis rules you want to apply to your code. By default, all the rules are selected. If you want to exclude the rule from the profile settings, clear the corresponding checkbox.
You can also specify the type of message to display when a rule is triggered: Warning, Error, or Hint. For this, click the message type name next to the corresponding rule and select the desired message type from the dropdown that appears.
After making all the necessary modifications, click Save. If you want to save the modified profile as new, click Save As, provide a name for a new profile, and then click OK.