property ValidAttributes: TScSFTPAttributes;



Use the ValidAttributes property to define the file attributes that have meaning. While receiving attributes from the server when a flag for the required property was set, this value was received from the server. If the flag is not set, the value of the property can be set to any value.

When sending attributes to the server, only properties with the corresponding flag are sent. Other properties are ignored.


aSizethe Size property is set;
aAllocationSizethe AllocationSize prperty is set;
aOwnerGroupthe GID, UID, Group and Owner properties are set;
aPermissionsthe Permissions property is set;
aAccessTimethe AccessTime property is set;
aCreateTimethe CreateTime property is set;
aModifyTimethe ModifyTime property is set;
aChangeAttrTimethe ChangeAttrTime property is set;
aSubsecondTimesthe nseconds is to be added to the seconds AccessTime, CreateTime, ModifyTime, ChangeAttrTime fields for the final time representation.
aAclthe AclFlags and ACEs are set;
aAttrsthe Attrs property is set;
aTextHintthe TextHint property is set;
aMimeTypethe MimeType property is set;
aLinkCountthe LinkCount property is set;
aUntranslatedNamethe UntranslatedName property is set;
aExtendedthe ExtendedAttributes property is set;


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