Inserting and Retrieving Data

This walkthrough describes how to insert data into a table and perform a query using the SQL Editor.

Adding a Database Connection

First of all a connection to the MySQL server should be created.

  1. To open the Database Explorer window, click Database Explorer on the Fusion menu.
  2. In the Database Explorer window, click the New Connection button.
  3. Set up connection parameters in the dialog window that appears.
  4. To navigate through the connection created, click the plus mark to the left of the tree nodes.


The Database Explorer is not available in the dbForge Data Compare for MySQL, dbForge Schema Compare for MySQL.

Creating Database and Tables

  1. Open the SQL editor by clicking the Create New SQL button on the Devart - Main toolbar.
  2. In the displayed document, type the following text:

     CREATE DATABASE demobase;
     CREATE TABLE demobase.dept (
     DeptNo INT(11),
     Dname VARCHAR(14) NOT NULL,
     Loc VARCHAR(13),
     PRIMARY KEY (DeptNo)
     CREATE TABLE demobase.emp (
     EmpNo INT(11),
     EName VARCHAR(10),
     Job VARCHAR(9),
     MGR INT(11),
     HireDate DATETIME,
     Sal FLOAT,
     Commission FLOAT,
     DeptNo INT(11),
     PRIMARY KEY (EmpNo),
  3. Click the Execute SQL button or press the F5 key.

Inserting Data into a Table

There are two ways to insert data into a table. First, you can do this using a query. The second way is to use the grid-based data editor. Here both ways are described.

Here goes content of the Emp table:

EmpNo EName Job Mgr HireDate Sal Comm DeptNo
7839 King President Null 1981-11-17 5000 Null 10
7698 Blake Manager 7839 1981-05-01 2850 Null 30
7566 Jones Manager 7839 1981-04-02 2975 Null 20
7499 Allen Salesman 7698 1981-02-20 1600 300 30
7369 Smith Clerk 7566 1980-12-17 800 Null 20
7521 Ward Salesman 7698 1981-02-22 1250 500 30
7654 Martin Salesman 7698 1981-09-28 1250 1400 30

Content of the Dept table should be like this:

DeptNo Dname Loc
10 Accounting New York
20 Sales Dallas
30 Sales2 Chicago

Using the SQL Editor to Insert Data

  1. Establish a connection to the server.
  2. Open SQL editor by clicking the Create New SQL button on the Devart - Main toolbar.
  3. In the displayed document, type the following text:

     INSERT INTO Dept (DeptNo, Dname, Loc) VALUES (10,'Accounting','New York')
  4. Click the Execute SQL button or press the F5 key.

If there were no mistakes in the statement, the Output window appears with the report that 1 record has been affected.

The query used is a full form of the statement INSERT INTO. To insert bigger blocks of data, use the following form:

INSERT INTO Dept VALUES (20,'Sales','Dallas'), (30,'Sales2','Chicago')

Note that names of the fields are omitted and several rows are inserted with the simple query. After executing it you must receive message 2 rows affected.

Using the Grid-based Data Editor to Insert Data

  1. In Database Explorer, navigate to the Emp table.
  2. Right-click it and choose Retrieve Data on the shortcut menu.

    The editor is displayed where you can view the data the table contains, if any.

  3. Click the Append button (+) or press the INSERT key.
  4. Click in the very first cell. Type in the value: 7839.
  5. Click in the next cell or press TAB, type in: King.
  6. In the following cell, type: President.
  7. Go on filling the row until you reach the last column. In the DEPTNO column, click the button and use the Foreign Keys Lookup editor to choose the required department from the displayed grid. Press ENTER to apply inserting the row.
  8. Click in the first cell of the second row. Now, you have to fill it starting with value 7698. Repeat steps 3-7 to insert all the required rows into the table.

Now, when there is a table populated with data, let’s see how it can be retrieved.

Retrieving Data from Tables

  1. The most simple example of an SQL statement is selecting all data from a single table.
  2. In Database Explorer, make sure that the connection to your server containing the database (FirmStaff) is active.
  3. Click the Create New SQL button on the Devart - Main toolbar to open a new SQL document.
  4. In the document, type the string SELECT * FROM Demobase.Emp
  • or -

    drag the table from Database Explorer onto the document area to make this string appear automatically.

  1. Click the Execute SQL button on the Devart - SQL toolbar .

If everything is correct, either the Data window or the Data view of a document should appear containing all data in the table.

EmpNo EName Job Mgr HireDate Sal Comm DeptNo
7369 Smith Clerk 7566 1980-12-17 800 Null 20
7499 Allen Salesman 7698 1981-02-20 1600 300 30
7521 Ward Salesman 7698 1981-02-22 1250 500 30
7566 Jones Manager 7839 1981-04-02 2975 Null 20
7654 Martin Salesman 7698 1981-09-28 1250 1400 30
7698 Blake Manager 7839 1981-05-01 2850 Null 30
7839 King President Null 1981-11-17 5000 Null 10


You can edit results of a query in these windows as described in the previous part of this topic.

You can execute any kind of queries using the SQL editor. Consider this:

SELECT count(*) Quantity, Job, Sum(Sal) Money FROM Demobase.Emp
WHERE Sal>800 GROUP BY Job HAVING count(*)>1 ORDER BY Money

The query returns all categories of employees (GROUP BY job) that have more than one member in the category (HAVING Count()>1). For every category the total salary is shown (SELECT … Sum(Sal) Money) together with the number of members in the category (SELECT Count() Quantity). Employees that have salary of 800 or less are excluded. The whole grid is ordered by salary amount (ORDER BY Money).

Quantity Job Money
3 Salesman 4100
2 Manager 5825

Now, when you’ve learned how to retrieve data from a single table, it is time to find out how to perform SELECT on several tables.