This topic explains how to work with self-referencing tables in Master-Detail Browser.
Self-referencing table is a table that is a parent and a dependent in the same referential constraint, i.e. a foreign key constraint can reference columns within the same table in such tables.
The example specified below shows how to view data in a self-referencing table regarding available relations between columns using Master-Detail Browser.
To perform the steps described in the Viewing Data in a Self-Referencing Table part of this topic, you will need a self-referencing table itself. Below is an example of such table (the Employees table) and it will be used in the Viewing Data in a Self-Referencing Table section as a sample table:
Task: it is required to view all employees regarding the levels of company hierarchy using the data available in the sample Employees table.
Solution: because the manager is also an employee, there is a relationship from the MGR column to the EmpNo column. The EmpNo column contains identification number of all employees, and the MGR column contains the identification number of the manager a person subordinates to (you see, the company president has (null) in the MGR column, as he doesn’t subordinate to anyone). Now, as you’ve understood the relationship between these columns, you can perform the following steps to solve the task specified above using Fusion for MySQL Master-Detail Browser:
Create a relationship between the MGR and EmpNo columns by selecting the MGR column and dragging it to the EmpNo column. An arrow indicating the relationship will be displayed on the diagram:
There is no foreign key in this table, but if there is one and a relation between columns was established earlier, it’s displayed on the diagram after dropping the table onto it.