| Name | Description |
 | Active | Gets or sets whether a DbDataTable is filled with data from a data source. |
 | CachedUpdates | Enables or disables cached updates mode. |
 | CancelEditRowIfUpdateFailed | |
 | CaseSensitive | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | ChildRelations | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | Columns | Gets the collection of columns that belong to this table. |
 | ConflictOption | Specifies which System.Data.ConflictOption is to be used by the DbDataTable. |
 | Connection | Gets or sets the System.Data.IDbConnection used to connect to the data source. |
 | Constraints | Gets the collection of constraints maintained by this table. |
 | Container | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent) |
 | ContinueUpdateOnError | |
 | DataSet | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | DefaultView | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | DeleteCommand | Gets or sets a SQL statement to delete records from the data set. |
 | DesignMode | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent) |
  | DisableListChangedEvents | Disables some of the events, which occurs when DbDataTable content is changed. |
 | DisplayExpression | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | ExtendedProperties | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | FetchAll | Determines whether data is requested from server entirely or partially. |
 | HasErrors | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | InsertCommand | Gets or sets a SQL statement to insert new records into the data source. |
 | IsInitialized | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | Locale | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | MaxRecords | Gets or sets max number of records to fetch starting from StartRecord. |
 | MinimumCapacity | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | MissingSchemaAction | Determines the action to take when existing DataSet schema does not match incoming data. |
 | Name | Gets or sets name of the component. |
 | Namespace | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | NonBlocking | Gets or sets data request mode. |
 | Owner | Gets or sets form that the component resides on. |
 | ParentRelation | Gets or sets a ParentDataRelation object that is used for server side master-detail relation. |
 | ParentRelations | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | Prefix | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | PrimaryKey | Gets or sets an array of columns that function as primary keys for the data table. |
 | QueryRecordCount | Determines whether DbDataTable should perfrom additional request to determine quantity of records in the result set. |
 | Quoted | Gets or sets whether the DbDataTable quotes all the names of data source objects. |
 | RecordCount | Gets number of rows in the result set. |
 | RefreshingFields | Gets or sets list of fields whose values should be retrieved after a DML statement execution. |
 | RefreshMode | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether and how the DbDataTable should retrieve field values adjusted by server after an update. |
 | RemotingFormat | Gets or sets a System.Data.SerializationFormat for the DbDataTable used during remoting. |
 | ReturnProviderSpecificTypes | Determines whether to use provider-specific types whenever possible. |
 | Rows | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | SchemaTable | Gets the schema table corresponding to the SelectCommand query. |
 | SelectCommand | Gets or sets a SQL statement used to select records in the data source. |
 | Site | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | StartRecord | Gets or sets record number to start. |
 | SyncRoot | Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
 | TableMapping | Gets a System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping that provides the master mapping between a source table and a DbDataTable. |
 | TableName | (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable) |
 | UpdateBatchSize | Gets or sets a value that enables or disables batch processing support, and specifies the number of commands that can be executed in a batch. |
 | UpdateCommand | Gets or sets a SQL statement used to update records in the data source. |
 | UpdatingFields | Gets or sets string containing list of field names used to generate update commands. |
 | UpdatingKeyFields | Gets or sets string containing list of key field names separated by semicolon. They are used to generate update commands. |
 | UpdatingTable | Gets or sets table name to generate update statements for. |