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Devart.Common Namespace / DbDataTable Class

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    DbDataTable Class Methods
    In This Topic

    For a list of all members of this type, see DbDataTable members.

    Public Methods
    Public MethodCommits all the changes made to this table since the last time System.Data.DataTable.AcceptChanges was called. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodStarts an asynchronous invocation of the Fill() method.  
    Public MethodBegins the initialization of a System.Data.DataTable that is used on a form or used by another component. The initialization occurs at run time. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodTurns off notifications, index maintenance, and constraints while loading data. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodStops asynchronous fill operation.  
    Public MethodClears DbDataTable and stops Fill operation.  
    Public MethodOverridden. Clones the structure of the DbDataTable, including all System.Data.DataTable schemes and constraints.  
    Public MethodDisconnects DbDataTable from the data source and frees server resources allocated for the query.  
    Public MethodComputes the given expression on the current rows that pass the filter criteria. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodCopies both the structure and data for this System.Data.DataTable. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodReturns a System.Data.DataTableReader corresponding to the data within this System.Data.DataTable. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodReleases all resources used by the System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent)
    Public MethodEnds an asynchronous invocation of the Fill() method.  
    Public MethodOverridden. Ends the initialization of a DbDataTable that is used on a form or used by another component. The initialization occurs at run time.  
    Public MethodTurns on notifications, index maintenance, and constraints after loading data. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Fills the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection of the DbDataTable with rows from the data source.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Fills the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection of the DbDataTable with rows from the data source starting at the row indicated by startRecord and including up to the number of rows indicated by maxRecords.  
    Public MethodConfigures the schema to match that in the data source.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Gets a copy of the System.Data.DataTable that contains all changes made to it since it was loaded or System.Data.DataTable.AcceptChanges was last called. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodGets an array of System.Data.DataRow objects that contain errors. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodPopulates a serialization information object with the data needed to serialize the System.Data.DataTable. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodGets the implementer of the System.IServiceProvider. (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent)
    Public MethodCopies a System.Data.DataRow into a System.Data.DataTable, preserving any property settings, as well as original and current values. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Fills a System.Data.DataTable with values from a data source using the supplied System.Data.IDataReader. If the System.Data.DataTable already contains rows, the incoming data from the data source is merged with the existing rows. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Finds and updates a specific row. If no matching row is found, a new row is created using the given values. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Merge the specified System.Data.DataTable with the current System.Data.DataTable. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodCreates a new System.Data.DataRow with the same schema as the table. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodFetches data and sets the Active property to true.  
    Public MethodReads the next data row when DbDataTable operates in connected model.  
    Public MethodFills a row with data not fetched in the initial fill operation.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Reads XML schema and data into the System.Data.DataTable using the specified System.IO.Stream. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Reads an XML schema into the System.Data.DataTable using the specified stream. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodRefreshes the specified row with values from server.  
    Public MethodRolls back all changes that have been made to the table since it was loaded, or the last time System.Data.DataTable.AcceptChanges was called. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodResets the System.Data.DataTable to its original state. Reset removes all data, indexes, relations, and columns of the table. If a DataSet includes a DataTable, the table will still be part of the DataSet after the table is reset. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Gets an array of DataRow objects.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Suspends asynchronous fill operation.  
    Public MethodGets the System.Data.DataTable.TableName and System.Data.DataTable.DisplayExpression, if there is one as a concatenated string. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodExecutes the appropriate commands to delete, insert, or update rows in the data source.  
    Public MethodExecutes the appropriate commands to delete, insert, or update the specified rows in the data source.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Writes the current contents of the System.Data.DataTable as XML using the specified System.IO.Stream. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Writes the current data structure of the System.Data.DataTable as an XML schema to the specified stream. (Inherited from System.Data.DataTable)
    See Also