dotConnect for MySQL allows using MySQL-specific functions in Entity SQL and LINQ to Entities. You can use these functions in your Entity SQL statements for Entity Framework v4 - v6.
The following Entity SQL example is for ObjectContext only:
These functions are members of the MySqlFunctions class, that is located in the Devart.Data.MySql.Entity assembly.
The following example can be used both for ObjectContext and for DbContext:
] [MySQL;PostgreSQL: ]Entity SQL function |
LINQ to Entities function |
Description |
acos | Acos | Returns the arc cosine of a number, in radians. |
adddate | Adddate | Returns a date value that represents an argument value plus a specified time interval. |
addtime | Addtime | Returns a datetime value that represents an argument value plus a specified time interval. |
aes_decrypt | AesDecrypt | Decrypts data using the official AES algorithm. |
aes_encrypt | AesEncrypt | Encrypts the specified string with the specified key string, using the official AES algorithm. |
ascii | Ascii | Returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character of the argument as an integer. |
asin | Asin | Returns the arc sine of a number, in radians. |
atan | Atan | Returns the arc tangent of a number, in radians. |
bin | Bin | Returns a string containing a binary representation of the specified number. |
bit_count | BitCount | Returns the number of set bits. |
bit_length | BitLength | Returns the length of the specified string in bits. |
ceilCEIL | Ceil | Return the smallest integer value that is not less than the specified value. |
ceiling | Ceiling | Return the smallest integer value that is not less than the specified value. |
char | Char | Returns the character that has the code value specified by the argument. Accepts up to 3 arguments and returns a character for each argument specified. |
char_length | CharLength | Returns the length of the specified string in characters. |
charset | Charset | Returns the charset of the argument. |
coercibility | Coercibility | Returns the collation coercibility value of the specified string. |
compress | Compress | If MySQL is compiled with a compression library, compresses the given string and returns it as binary string. Otherwise, returns Null. |
concat | Concat | Concatenates the given strings. |
concat_ws | ConcatWs | Concatenates the given strings and inserts the separator string (the first argument) between them. |
connection_id | ConnectionId | Returns the connection ID for the connection, which is unique among the current connections. |
conv | Conv | Converts numbers between different number bases. |
convert_tz | ConvertTz | Converts the specified datetime from one timezone to another. |
cos | Cos | Returns the cosine of a number. |
cot | Cot | Returns the cotangent of a number. |
curdate | Curdate | Returns the current date. |
current_date | CurrentDate | Returns the current date. |
current_time | CurrentTime | Returns the current time. |
current_timestamp | CurrentTimestamp | Returns the current date and time. |
current_user | CurrentUser | Returns the name of the current user. |
currtime | Currtime | Returns the current time. |
database | Database | Returns the current (default) database name. |
date | Date | Returns the date portion of the specified datetime or date. |
datediff | Datediff | Substracts the specified dates. |
date_format | DateFormat | Formats the specified date with the specified format. |
day | Day | Returns the day of the month (0-31). |
DAYNAME | DayName | Returns the name of the day for the day portion of the argument, based on locale-name (if it is specified) or on the CURRENT LOCALE LC_TIME register value. |
DAYOFWEEK | DayOfWeek | Returns the day of the week from a value, where 1 is Sunday and 7 is Saturday. |
dayofyear | DayOfYear | Returns the day of the year from a value. |
decode | Decode | Decrypts the encrypted string using the specified password string. |
des_decrypt | DesDecrypt | Decrypts the string encrypted with the Triple-DES algorithm using the specified key. |
des_encrypt | DesEncrypt | Encrypts the string with the specified key using the Triple-DES algorithm. |
elt | Elt | Returns the element of the list of strings by the specified index. |
encode | Encode | Encrypts the specified string using the specified password string. |
encrypt | Encrypt | Encrypts the specified string using the Unix crypt() system call and returns a binary string. |
exp | Exp | Returns the base of the natural logarithm (e) raised to a power specified by the argument. |
field | Field | Returns the index (position) of the first string in the specified list of strings. Returns 0 if the first string is not found. |
find_in_set | FindInSet | Returns the index (position) of the string in the specified substring list. The string list is specified as a string, in which the substrings are separated with commas. |
floor | Floor | Return the smallest integer value that is not more than the specified value. |
format | Format | Formats the specified number to a format like '#,###,###.##', rounded to the specified number of decimal places, and returns the result as a string. |
found_rows | FoundRows | Returns the number of rows, that the previously executed SELECT statement would have returned if it had not included the LIMIT clause. |
from_days | FromDays | Converts the specified day number to a date. |
from_unixtime | FromUnixtime | Returns a representation of the specified unix_timestamp as a value in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format (in the current timezone), depending on whether the function is used in a string or numeric context. |
get_lock | GetLock | Tries to obtain a lock with the specified name, using a timeout of timeout seconds. A negative timeout value means infinite timeout. The lock is exclusive and cannot be held by more than one connection. |
hex | Hex | Returns a hexadecimal representation of a value. |
hour | Hour | Returns the hour for the specified time. |
inet_aton | InetAton | Returns the numeric value of the specified IP address in network byte order (big endian). |
inet_ntoa | InetNtoa | Returns the dotted-quad string representation of the address as a nonbinary string in the connection character set for the specified IP address in network byte order. |
insert | Insert | Replaces a substring in the specified string at the specified position with the specified number of characters from the specified substring. |
instr | Instr | Returns the position of the first occurrence of the specified substring in the specified string. |
is_free_lock | IsFreeLock | Checks whether the specified lock is free for use. |
is_used_lock | IsUsedLock | Checks whether the specified lock is locked. |
last_day | LastDay | Returns a datetime value that represents the last day of the month of the argument. |
last_insert_id | LastInsertId | Returns the value of an autoincrement column resulted from the most recent INSERT statement, if it was successful. If it was unsuccessful, returns an undefined value. |
LCASE | Lcase | Returns the specified string in lowercase. |
LEFT | Left | Returns the specified number of the leftmost characters from the specified string. |
length | Length | Returns the length of the specified string in bytes. |
ln | Ln | Returns the natural logarithm of a number. |
LOAD_FILE | LoadFile | With one parameter, returns the natural logarithm of the specified value. When called with two parameters, returns the logarithm of the second specified value to the base (the first specified value). |
log | Log | With one parameter, returns the natural logarithm of the specified value. When called with two parameters, returns the logarithm of the second specified value to the base (the first specified value). |
log10 | Log10 | Return the common logarithm (base 10) of a number. |
log2 | Log2 | Returns the logarithm of the specified value to the base 2. |
lower | Lower | Returns a string in which all characters have been converted to lowercase characters using the rules from the Unicode standard associated with the specified locale. |
ltrim | Ltrim | Removes blanks from the beginning of a string. |
makedate | Makedate | Creates a date from the specified year and day of year. |
maketime | Maketime | Creates a time from the specified hours, minutes, and seconds. |
md5 | Md5 | Calculates MD5 checksum. |
microsecond | Microsecond | Returns the microseconds from the specified argument. |
mid | Mid | Return a substring of the specified string, starting from the specified position. |
minute | Minute | Return the minute from the specified argument. |
mod | Mod | Returns the remainder. |
month | Month | Return the month part from the specified date. |
monthname | MonthName | Returns a character string containing the name of the month (for example, January) for the month portion of expression,, based on locale-name (if it is specified) or on the CURRENT LOCALE LC_TIME register value. |
now | Now | Returns the current date and time. |
oct | Oct | Returns the string, containing the octal representation of a number. |
old_password | OldPassword | Returns the hashed password from the specified plaintext password, using hashing techniques prior to MySQL 4.1. |
ord | Ord | Returns the character code of the first character from the specified string. |
password | Password | Returns the hashed password from the specified plaintext password. |
period_add | PeriodAdd | Adds the specified period to the specified year-month. |
period_diff | PeriodDiff | Returns the number of months between periods. |
pi | Pi | Returns the Pi constant. |
pow | Pow | Returns the specified number raised to the specified power. |
quarter | Quarter | Returns an integer that represents the quarter of the year in which the specified date resides. |
quote | Quote | Quotes and escapes the specified string for use in SQL. |
radians | Radians | Returns the number of radians for the specified value in degrees. |
rand | Rand | Returns a random number. |
RELEASE_LOCK | ReleaseLock | Releases a lock with the specified name. Returns 1 if the lock was released, 0 if the lock was not established by this thread (in which case the lock is not released), and NULL if the named lock did not exist. |
repeat | Repeat | Returns a character string composed of the first argument strings, repeated a specified by the second argument number times. |
replace | Replace | Replaces occurrences of the specified substring in the specified string. |
reverse | Reverse | Reverses the characters in the specified string. |
right | Right | Returns the specified number of the rightmost characters from the specified string. |
round | Round | Rounds the specified number. |
rpad | Rpad | Returns a string that is padded on the right with the specified character, string, or with blanks. |
rtrimRTRIM | Rtrim | Removes blanks from the end of a string. |
schema | Schema | Returns the current (default) database name. |
second | Second | Return the second from the specified argument. |
sec_to_time | SecToTime | Converts the specified number of seconds to the 'HH:MM:SS' format. |
session_user | SessionUser | The user name and host name provided by the client. |
sha | Sha | Returns SHA-1 160-bit checksum. |
sha1 | Sha1 | Returns SHA-1 160-bit checksum. |
sign | Sign | Returns an indicator of the sign of an expression. |
sin | Sin | Returns the sine of a number. |
soundex | Soundex | Returns a 4-character code representing the sound of the words in the argument. This result can be compared with the sound of other strings. |
space | Space | Returns a character string that consists of a specified number of blanks. |
sqrt | Sqrt | Returns the square root of a number. |
str_to_date | StrToDate | Converts the specified string to a date. |
returns the start time of the current statement | Subdate | Subtracts the specified time value (interval) from the specified date. |
substr | Substr | Returns a part of the specified string, starting from the specified position, of the specified length. If length is not specified, returns a portion till the end of the input string. |
substring | Substring | Returns a part of the specified string, starting from the specified position, of the specified length. If length is not specified, returns a portion till the end of the input string. |
substring_index | SubstringIndex | Returns the substring from the specified string before the specified number of occurrences of the delimiter. |
subtime | Subtime | Subtracts the specified time values. |
sysdate | Sysdate | Returns the time at which the function executes. |
system_user | SystemUser | The user name and host name provided by the client. |
time | Time | Returns the time portion of the specified datetime or time. |
timediff | Timediff | Substracts the specified times. |
time_format | TimeFormat | Formats the specified time with the specified format. |
timestamp | Timestamp | Converts the specified date or datetime argument to a timestamp. If two arguments are specified, adds the second time argument to the first date or datetime. |
time_to_sec | TimeToSec | Converts the specified time to the number of seconds. |
to_days | ToDayes | Returns the number of days since year 0 for the specified date. |
trim | Trim | Removes leading and trailing spaces from the specified string. |
truncate | Truncate | Truncates the specified number to the specified count of decimal places. |
ucase | Ucase | Returns a string in which all the characters have been converted to uppercase characters. |
uncompress | Uncompress | Uncompresses the specified string, compressed by the COMPRESS() function. |
uncompressed_length | Uncompress | Uncompresses the specified string, compressed by the COMPRESS() function. |
unhex | Unex | Treats each pair of characters in the specified string as a hexadecimal number and converts it to a byte. Returns the result binary string of these bytes or Null if encunters non-hexadecimal digit. |
unix_timestamp | UnixTimestamp | Returns a Unix timestamp. |
upper | Upper | Returns a string in which all the characters have been converted to uppercase characters. |
user | User | The user name and host name provided by the client. |
utc_date | UtcDate | Returns the current date in UTC. |
utc_time | UtcTime | Returns the current time in UTC. |
utc_timestamp | UtcTimestamp | Returns the current date and time in UTC. |
uuid | Uuid | Returns a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID). |
version | Version | Returns MySQL server version as a string. |
WEEK | Week | Returns the week of the year from a value. |
weekday | Weekday | Returns the weekday index. |
weekofyear | Weekofyear | Returns the calendar week of the date as a number in the range from 1 to 53. |
year | Year | Returns the year of the specified date, in the range 1000 to 9999, or 0 for the "zero" date. |
yearweek | Yearweek | Returns year and week for the specified date. |