dotConnect for MySQL Documentation
Entity Framework Data Type Mapping

MySQL to .NET type mapping

Type mapping rules from this table are used when generating a model from a database with Entity Data Model Wizard in Visual Studio 2008 - 2022 and Create Model Wizard in Entity Developer.

MySQL data types




bool, boolean, bit(1) boolean Boolean System.Boolean
tinyint sbyte SByte System.SByte
tinyint unsigned tinyint Byte System.Byte
smallint, year smallint Int16 System.Int16
int, integer, smallint unsigned, mediumint int Int32 System.Int32
bigint, int unsigned, integer unsigned, bit bigint Int64 System.Int64
float float Single System.Single
double, real double Double System.Double
decimal, numeric, dec, fixed, bigint unsigned, float unsigned, double unsigned, serial decimal Decimal System.Decimal
date, timestamp, datetime date, timestamp, datetime DateTime System.DateTime
time time Time System.TimeSpan
char, varchar, tinytext, text, mediumtext, longtext, set, enum, nchar, national char, nvarchar, national varchar, character varying char, varchar, tinytext, text, mediumtext, longtext, set, enum String System.String
binary, varbinary, tinyblob, blob, mediumblob, longblob, char byte binary, varbinary, tinyblob, blob, mediumblob, longblob Binary System.Byte[]
geometry2 spatial_geometry Geometry, GeometryCollection, GeometryLineString, GeometryMultiLineString, GeometryMultiPoint, GeometryMultiPolygon, GeometryPoint, GeometryPolygon System.Data.Spatial.DbGeometry
geometry2 spatial_geography Geography, GeographyCollection, GeographyLineString, GeographyMultiLineString, GeographyMultiPoint, GeographyMultiPolygon, GeographyPoint, GeographyPolygon System.Data.Spatial.DbGeography

1 Applicable only to Entity Framework v1 - v6. Not applicable to Entity Framework Core, because Entity Framework Core does not support XML mapping.

2 Supported in Entity Framework v5 and v6.

.NET to MySQL default type mapping




MySQL data types

System.Boolean Boolean boolean boolean, bit(1)
System.Byte Byte tinyint tinyint unsigned
System.Byte[] Binary binary, varbinary, blob, longblob binary, varbinary, blob, longblob
System.Data.Spatial.DbGeometry2 Geometry spatial_geometry geometry
System.Data.Spatial.DbGeography2 Geography spatial_geography geometry
System.DateTime DateTime datetime datetime
System.DateTimeOffset DateTimeOffset datetimeoffset datetime
System.Decimal Decimal decimal decimal
System.Double Double double double
System.Guid Guid guid char(36)
System.Int16 Int16 smallint smallint
System.Int32 Int32 int int
System.Int64 Int64 bigint bigint
System.SByte SByte sbyte tinyint
System.Single Single float float
System.String String char, varchar, text, longtext char, varchar, text, longtext
System.TimeSpan Time time time

1 Applicable only to Entity Framework v1 - v6. Not applicable to Entity Framework Core, because Entity Framework Core does not support XML mapping.

2 Supported in Entity Framework v5 and v6.